Supernait3 + atc 7 piano edition

Does anybody have same combo experience on these two things?

My friends wanna try to pair them and hope for good result?

I have my concerns that nait3 current capability is not that big …

Hoping for your kindly helps

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Nait 3 or Supernait 3? There’s a big difference.

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supernait 3, integrated amplifier, 80W :grinning:

yes i has SN3 with 7’s and it drove them fine but it was not long before i wanted more bass and went for the 11’s which i still have… (not with SN3 anymore though)

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thank you, friends

I do love the sweet vocal from atc,accompanied by naim sound art

I’m with @Hifi-dog. I’d seriously consider the 11s. A fuller sound and reputedly a little easier to drive. But a SN3 should be fine with either unless they’re to be used in a very large room.



In my experience,ATC7 piano edition is much better than atc11, not normal edition

atc7 is more balanced and sound better

atc11 is too much heavy in bass part

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room dependant of course…


Are you referring to the high gloss limited edition of the SCM 7 which ATC produced for the Hong Kong and Chinese markets a few years ago? If so, my understanding is that they were internally identical to standard SCM 7s. I guess it’s just about possible than the high gloss finish had a positive effect on SQ. Or perhaps they were internally modified by other hands, in which case I’d be inclined to check with ATC first.

And this is first time I’ve heard of SCM11s being described as much too heavy in the bass at least with partnering equipment of commensurate quality.


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