System Pics 2019

I find they marginally improve the focus, the image and the low frequencies quality (more closed and tight); In addition, their weights help to optimize the loads of electronics and glasses on the Orea feet that support them, :wink:.

Norstone’s Spider rack is of high quality, with a double anti-vibration system, by spikes between each level and additional dampers on each Bamboo shelf; the shelves can also be chosen from smoked tempered glass, although we liked it more like this and thought that so much glass at the end could generate too many reflections by being right in the middle between the speakers, and end up affecting the sound towards the bright side. Fortunately, in the end I was right, both in the integration with the decoration and, fundamentally, when choosing it with the bamboo shelves: the sound has been left in a sweet spot between resolution-dynamic and musicality, dynamic and resolute but musical and without coming to openly analytical. Perfect, really, a true joy.


Just out of interest, what is between the bamboo shelf and the frame itself. Can’t quite see from the photos.

Yes, there is this adittional anti-vibration system from Norstone, based on dampers between each Bamboo shelf and the frame itself…


The rack frame is machined so that it houses them in a certain position to balance the shelf structure and without moving or sliding.


Talking of upgrades I’m taking a lead from your shelving and adding glass and some stainless steal supports to my rack. That’s what I love about this forum, the exchange of ideas and opinions.


So this happened recently. Focal Sopra 2. Boom!


Hi @newcomer

Thanks for you suggestion. Less definitely seems to be more. The graph is a little misleading as have more focus, bass and definition. My wife noticed when she got home from work. Was half expecting the ‘what have you bought’ conversation :grinning: As well as removing one from 250 I have also removed a bronze from the 252.


A festive pic not a lot under tree since all the kids moved out

no presents coz my money may be going on this



Happy Christmas!!!


What you using under your Fraim spikes Bart?

Sound Factory Tripod rack? Or something else? I’m using one from the early 90’s. Not a fraim and probably not as good, but mine sounds great.


Cheap-o Herbies sliders.

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Merry Christmas!


Yes old Soundstyle rack. It’s seen me through a few black boxes over the years. Yours looks great with what you’ve done with it. :+1:

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NBL’s are installed and ready for a day of music! Just taking 5 minutes to myself while the kids are settled! Seemed fitting to have a festive picture!


Merry Xmas and happy new NBL’s!! They look great and fit into the room so beautifully. Never heard them but having SBL’s I can begin to imagine how fine they will sound. Hours of fantastic listening ahead!

Now please, I beg of you, move the pictures and TV to the right to put them in line with the speakers. You will make all who have any trace of OCD (me) happy, but most of all you will thank yourself.

Once again, congratulations on your fine ‘new’ speakers (I look forward to hearing your verdict on them) and a merry Xmas to you and yours. :christmas_tree::santa:t2::tada:

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The youngest listener :grin:,
Merry Christmas to everyone :christmas_tree::santa::gift:


For compulsive obsessive disorders they are the number 1 :sob::sob::sob:

Ah, ye olde festive Metallica!


Looks delightful- what are the SL cable risers and did you find them to do an uplift ( sorry :roll_eyes:)? ATB Peter

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