System Pics 2021

I take it you’re moving the Core off the Fraim with the two box 300?

What an amazing room. Absolutely love it !

Yep, I’ll need to find a new home for it. There are plenty of network points of presence in the house, so getting it connected won’t be a problem. It’ll be interesting to see if the changes are audible

I moved my Zoneripping NAS away from the Fraim to a unit nearby for the same reasons. Tbh, I would prefer it in another room as it does make some noise every now and again!

That’s the order I went Stuart. NDX2/555PS to ND555 then 252 to 552. Just played some Beatles (their request) for them and their jaws hit the floor!



Graeme, I’m in the third week of my 552 from 252 a dealer ex demo hardly used due to the lockdown.

I still can’t quite believe the difference in my system truly stunning.


I guess we should shift this 552 chat to ‘552 First Impressions’ to get back on System pics.



Should have told her what my friend’s brother said to his wife: “When I picture my retirement, I don’t see you in it.”


My thoughts are keep my system as it is and then move from 82 to 552. Or maybe go leftfield for Silbatone integrated amp! Reduce from 4 boxes to one.

Am also looking at 252 as an option.

Did he live to retire?


Dan, the 252 gets a bad rep on the Forum. Don’t listen to them! The 252 is a class act. People forget it is derived from the 52 which is much revered. Go figure….


Not yet, they live in the same house but in separate rooms, staying together “for the kids”. Like the kids can’t figure out the dysfunction. (They are now pre-teens.)

He tells his brother (my friend) he will gladly give her 50% of everything once the kids are in college so he can live his life in peace. He’s a commercial passenger pilot flying the biggest jets out there, so they live quite well, and 50% will be a sizable “payoff”.


Thinking 52 or 252 as interim option.

I heard the 252 with a 500 DR and it.sounded very very good.

Well, isn’t he the very personification of generosity.

There is no shortage of people like him who completely fail to recognise what the stay at home partner has done. While he is off flying around the world she’s bringing up their preteen children.

50% indeed.

Better get this thread back on track I guess.

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Well, isn’t he the very personification of generosity.

Since he earned 100% of it, I’d say that is quite generous. She’ll be a millionaire without having had to work.

While he is off flying around the world she’s bringing up their preteen children.

You are obviously unaware of the number of days off pilots have in a month…he is very involved in his kids’ lives when home. It’s not a 5/2 work week; by law they are limited. IIRC he flies about 85 hours a month. And it wasn’t a secret what he did for a living when they married. And it’s not like he is off vacationing - he lands, goes to a hotel, returns to the airport, and flies out…not a job I would want, even at the over $300K a year he makes.

The point was a partner who doesn’t give a rip about the others’ interests in retirement after a lifetime of working - which is no good in either direction.


Not all work in a marriage is paid.

Let’s just leave it there.

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Agreed. Being a stay at home mom or dad is definitely work. But not likely to make one a millionaire. She’ll be able to do whatever she wants, and he likewise.

It is a lovely looking system; Very nice.


Stuart, very true the 252 can sound stunning, I had nearly 6 years of shear enjoyment from mine never thought I wold be able to get a 552 though?


Being a stay-at-home spouse can make you a millionaire if you marry the right person :rofl::rofl:

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