System Pics 2021

The wall shelf was put up when I had the Naim in cabinets so is now out of a alignment on the Fraim. I need a bit of room to move the left speaker so I can get to the sockets as necessary. So I can’t shift the Fraim over too much more! I will live with it.

true enough- we might be in lockdown- but the surf is busy- some great waves for the surfers today

That looks very pleasing , a really nice warm and cosy photograph.

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Hey @GraemeH congratulations on the 552. Very (!) interested in your first observations. I have one on order to replace my current 252. It’s expected to arrive in august.


Noted @IvdZ !



Many years ago I bought an active SBL system with NAC52, four 135s and cross-overs from an unfortunate guy who had bought it all not long before. It was set up in a tiny bedroom - or, at least, one of those little box-room things that builders of modern houses laughingly call a bedroom. There was a single bed in it, which is what he sat on to listen to the music. The side of the bedroom with the speakers on was about 3 feet away or less. His wife wouldn’t let him have the system in the sitting room downstairs. Really sad - you could see how upset he was at having to let it all go - he had obviously really wanted a good hifi, and having finally retired this was his ‘retirement present’.


That’s really sad.

Mine is also the second bed room in an apartment. I’m even thinking the 72/hc/140 are too much for my room. A nait 1 or 2 should not be different.

Fantastic news @GraemeH. How does it compare to the 252 so far?

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We need to stop him playing music to give an update……i think he likes it🤣


From what I’m now hearing Dan there is no comparison. It’s a bit of a game changer.

I fully expect it to take a couple of weeks to become more consistent but it’s giving me a glimpse into whole other world just now. It makes all the other steps up the Naim ‘ladder’ feel very small in retrospect.



That was what I feared! :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl:

I am made up for you. It’s my dream to have a 552 one day!


Dammit!!! :dizzy_face: :wink:


Me too Graeme. I have had ‘the chat’ with my dealer but we agreed that a source upgrade should probably come first. And I love what I have so I suspect it will never happen.

I’ve had the 252 and Supercap for just over a week now, and I’m still finding it stunning. Such a step up from the SuperUniti. I’ve got a 300 coming, and then I’ll officially be out of space in the Fraim.


That will be a cracking system Jono.


Well done, and congratulations on the 300. I know it’s different but I found the step up from 250CB to 2 x 135s quite a leap.

If you go for a power supply for the NDX2 you’ll need a 2nd Fraim stack really! :joy:

I also have a 300 coming, 252/supercap in the future or even 552 - ouch my wallet hurts …

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Yeah, I’ve had that thought too. I’m not really sure where I would put the second stack (it could go in front of the speaker, but I would need replacement burndys which would be kinda a pricey step.

I’ll obviously just have to be happy with where I’ve got the system to for a while :wink:

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That’s the best way to be. Be happy with what you have. The rest can come when and if that time is right! :sunglasses:

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