System Pics 2021

Well done. The best 3 Naim boxes system indeed.

Mike, you know that before upgrading boxes, you need an Isoblue first. :joy:
Just kidding HH.

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Isoblu is small and elegant and I agree with your comments regarding fraim. I wouldn’t have it in the house if I was given it free…


Now it’s evening and the lights are on, it’s just so much better than the Fraim in our modestly sized room. Neat and discreet. I’m really pleased with it. We joke about SWMBO but it was me who initiated this change. The Fraim sounds fantastic but is perhaps a little too ‘look at me’.


Looks great. Looks much more like a piece of real furniture vs a fraim.

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The wind blows east, the wind blows west :roll_eyes:


fair enough!

I suppose what this thread illustrates nicely is that there are plenty of rack options available to fit differing requirements, especially if you share your listening space and living space. Some work better aesthetically than others depending on positioning in the room and chosen decor. Although I’m a great fan of Isoblue racks, I think a Fraim looks very elegant and matches nicely with CB, Olive and Classic era kit.


Not so clear cut, apparently.

Old news - ad deleted within a day when Nigel realised what was missing.

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I hope he hasn’t sold the Fraim then :flushed:

Yes, I did advertise the 555 for sale. Yes, I made a mistake and removed the advert. No, it’s not for sale. Yes, I have bought an Isoblue rack.

It’s just nice to have a change and have something that fits the room a bit better. Fraim is a wonderful rack and I’m sure whoever re-homes it will be delighted with it. For us, it just started to look a bit big. As James says, it’s great to have these choices and we can all find something that works for us.

As I’m sure the OP would wish, let’s leave any discussion there and get back to the pictures.


Just be sure not to remove your dedicated mains, we can’t keep up with all the changes from the old must-haves :sunglasses:


Come on, that’s not fair. Who was it who would never add a power supply, never move from an integrated amp, and who insisted that having their system in a wooden TV rack was all that was required and that those recommending a proper rack were deluded? My situation has changed and the system has evolved to match, that’s all.


Yes, fair enough, just a bit of light banter and black humour. I’ve actually learnt a lot from the Forum and have been pleased to take on advice and have reaped the benefits. My circumstances changed too, which refocused life values, and some opportunities came along that enable Forum advice to be brought to reality. Despite our little deviations into folly, I think we all benefit from the knowledge and changes and our good discussions on the Forum - it’s one of its strengths, as is adapting to changes in our lives.


Still sorting out this room and waiting on some custom furniture and curtains but the new Atom HE through Acoustic Energy AE1’s is sounding pretty good regardless.


Very nice Nigel! For me it was the simrak after using a target rack for 15 years or so. Currently its a bit too high at 7 levels, but is shortly to be split to help accommodate an incoming 300DR. I decided against fraim for not only price but the look. A balance does need to be struck sometimes between pure sound quality and aesthetics (especially when the hifi is in your lounge and you don’t have a dedicated listening room) which you appear to have got just right!

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You’re right. If I didn’t already have multiple Fraim shelves, I’d be most tempted by the Simrak, which has smaller frontal area and, with a strut, rather than shelf, it appears as if the glass shelves are just floating. Very cool design in my opinion.

Hi Clive, I’m certainly very pleased with it. just looks classy in my opinion. Also far less faffing about in terms of putting together/taking apart and maintenance than with fraim from what I understand!

It’s been a while since I posted here, recent change is the addition of a Rega P8 with Hana ML cartridge.