System Pics 2021

My set up in Valencia UQ2 (thanks Nigel) Dynaudio Audience 52 and Nac A5 playing mostly Tidal and iRadio and sounding very, very good indeed.


The Atom HE and AE1 looks as if it will be a popular combo

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Lovely setup there. A move from Trilogy to Chord on phono amp duties ?

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Interesting speaker stands, are they Dynaudio ones?

Yes, for no other reason than the Qutest was so good and the Huie had good reviews so I demoed it as it would be more symmetrical. :grinning:

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Looks great. The only thing missing is Spanish equivalent of the much loved NHS trolley. Enjoy the sunshine.


Just a thought, but rather than ā€˜upgradeā€™ the speakers which may begin a cycle of further upgrades to match, have you considered adding one or preferably two good subwoofers instead? Iā€™m not talking HT orientated ported monsters, rather sealed or PR designs designs from the likes of BK, REL or Rhythmik etc.

From experience, sealed subs take much less integration effort than ported versions and are more successful across a broader frequency range - when properly setup they shouldnā€™t boom - they simply serve as bass extenders to the main speakers, adding scale without asking anymore from the amplifier as you retain the existing speakers rather upgrading speakers to those that may require more from an amplifier.

I run dual BKs and have used them with a range of speakers to excellent effect. The benefits include:

  • Can be positioned to maximise bass performance/response in a given room. 2 (or more) subwoofers of the same type help to even out bass response in a room.
  • Can be turned up/down/phase adjusted to achieve the desired amount of bass.
  • Add scale to speakers, including floorstanders.
  • Increase sound stage width/depth with careful positioning.
  • Give a more full sound at low volume.
  • Can use the system without them switched on if you feel certain music is better without the subwoofers operating - this for me is very rare!

As well as having obvious benefits for the frequency range in which they operate, they also benefit other parts of the audio spectrum too.
In my main HiFi system I run the speakers full range and set the HPF at circa the main speakers lower roll-off frequency - so 45hz or so for my main Tannoys or Piegas and 57hz for the Tannoy Revā€™ Sig DC4Ts that I have just bought - seems to work well for me.



I am recently also using a Hana ML on a Rega RP 10 as a temporally replacement for my Koetsu Black until it gets back from repair. A very nice cartridge.
Are you using spacers on your P8 to adjust the tonearm height?

Hi Chris
Yes Iā€™m trying the Acoustic Signature spacer just now. I think it will stay to be honest. I also have a FunkFirm Achromat so I needed it.

I am using one 2 mm and one 0,5 mm spacer. For me thatā€™s the best choice for the Hana ML on the RP 10.

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Iā€™m currently trying 2mm but my add a further 0.5mm tomorrow. Thanks for your thoughts.

Very nice setup. But curious about the height of your shelf. Isnā€™t it hard to change records, let alone select a track, or are you exceptionally tall?

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I think itā€™s just perspective, Iā€™m just 6 foot and the shelf is middle of mt abdomen. :grinning:

Thanks for the valuable input. I actually did consider (REL) subwoofers but ultimately wanted to stay with a traditional two speaker system. The Dali Epicon 6 have arrived and are sounding very promising so far. In hi-fi terms they have the speed, transparency and resolution of my Audiovector S3 (but to a higher degree) while at the same time being more natural/relaxed and with a lot more bass, thus still sounding ā€œfullā€ at lower volumes, which my Audiovector did not and which I was really missing. In (very) simplistic terms the Audiovectors are about hi-fi whereas the Dalis are about music.


No problem. Your new speakers look very nice and it sounds as if they provide the solution you were looking for. The higher end Dalis really do have a very good design aesthetic/standard of finish. Enjoy!


Thereā€™s really nothing much else in the market to pair with it if youā€™re looking for something without a DAC etc. in it.

Iā€™ll eventually demo it with some ATC actives, but I suspect Iā€™ll be looking for something more on the preamp side (might be pleasantly surprised), which may mean moving away from Naim unless a 272 or Nova HE style box appears.

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Vestbo trio - Gentlemen. Great sounding album!

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Indeed. Great music, recommended by someone on this forum (donā€™t recall who, but thankful all the same). Their other albums are very good, too.

Ah yep that was probably me in the music thread. :+1:t2:

Must admit , if that were me I might consider a dual mono system with the Atom HE as pre-amp

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