System Pics 2021

I still have the Atom, absolutely brilliant piece of kit. Then I have the olive 102/180 in another room and have a Mac mini acting as a roon server into a Peachtree DAC via USB into the 102/150. Now just needing to up the ante with a hicap and either ND5XS2 or bluesound node, depending on bank balance :grinning:

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Looks great, and good to hear that it is a significant improvement on the DSM/2…(as one would expect it to be)…home demo week after next…


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It will surely hurt your wallet if you listen to it! I thought long and hard about it, and finally I decided to take the plunge.

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Enjoy :+1:

What is it replacing?

The previous one is dsm/2 (Katalyst), which I think is still very good, and no slouch.

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Good to hear that…

out of interest, what speakers are you running with the DSM/3, 552, 500 ??

Harbeth 40.2s on the TonTrager reference stands.


Nice !..thanks

Excellent. I’d be interested to read how you find it. I have a demo booked for Tuesday, where I’ve asked the retailer to set up a comparison with ND555 + 2xPS, which I currently use.

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I will probably write up something in a few weeks time. I personally think Linn have nailed it by just listening to a few notes when I first played it at home.


I think the test will be through the 552, in order to ensure a like for like comparison, but I understand the DSM is also a preamp, so it could help considerably with box count reduction.

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Yes, that was one of my main considerations. Naim should come up with something better than the 272?


I think it was what Hifi that really liked the digital side but thought the Analogue inputs were it’s weak point. So you would need to check out your LP12 through those inputs if you intend to use as a preamp?

Yes, I noticed that too. But swapping just the streamer would still save two shelves and boxes.


Kudos to Kudos👌


Solos…fantastic amps. To me it seems that there is nothing (musically) that they dont do.

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The Star has been moved on. I could live with it, it sounds great, but I had the chance to improve. First plan was to replace it with an SN3 and power supply, with a new CD5si and an ND5XS2. Went and heard the SN3 demo, with the Star and the Burmester 101 integrated. The 101 sounded the best and there was an 18 week wait for the streamer. Next, tried the Auralics, three different ones and the new Altair G2.1 was the best pound for sound. So, needed a power amplifier only as the Auralic has a good pre amp. Heard, 250DR, which was good, 300DR, which was better and Burmester 036 which was best, (for me.) The Altair has a splendid dac, so only CD transport was needed. The Bel Canto is an excellent machine. It is the first CD of any type I have heard(!) that is absolutely silent when playing, no noise at all. Siltech Explorer 180 links the pre to the power and Chord Epic for the Bel Canto to Altair.
If funds are available in the new year, I will add the Burmester 035 pre amp to complete the amplification. The Chord ShawlineX will be upgraded before the new year. As it is school holiday time, I’m listening for hours and hours on end. It sounds rather good.


I’m a few levels below you, but I’m currently home demoing an Akurate DSM and Akurate 2200 to replace my 282/250dr. I went a few weeks ago to demo a NDX-2 against my CDX-2, but felt it was a bit full on and uncomfortable to listen to. Ended up trying an ADS / 282 / 250dr and then ADSM / A2200. I’ve also got my name on a Urika 2 for my LP12, which could be a consideration for you? Might be worth an audition.

I had thought about that too. Lots of things to ponder!