System Pics 2021

Yes I’d put the NDS where the 552 is at the moment and if you don’t mind a bit of space on the rack, then the 552 at the very top. Worth a try :+1:

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The upgrade is half, because you can’t transfer all the new Organik streamer into existing klimax one.

Just standard height.

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Thanks, I understand that hence my comment ‘’ to give an insight into what an upgraded DSM/2 might sound like when the Organik upgrade is available…’’


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Thank god - it looked to me like you were running a little low there.



I have heard the Klimax DS3 and enjoyed it a lot. But didn’t found it really better vs my existing Nds, because it has less groove and attacks. But is more refined and more analog like vs the Nds.
As for looks, the Klimax is much nicer to my eyes. A beautiful one box , sculpted into aluminium.


Could also have been posted in the Music Room. Listening to The Camera Eye (from Rush - Moving Pictures), being played loud! Followed by the Stones, Still Life (to be played - and being played - loud as well). Home alone :wink:


Linn Klimax DSM/3 (Organik) just installed


I have just booked a demo set of S12 speakers.
.to try at home from Analogue Seduction…let’s see what they are like on the end of a Nap500dr…

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Very nice !

Thanks @james_n , it does what the pundits have been saying.

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@budmoto Hi, congrats on the new system. What was your last system? Did you have an Atom? What streamer are you using with this setup?

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Keen to hear your experience

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Sounds like a good idea, I’ll give that a go later on :sunglasses::+1::notes:


So… is it the second coming of streamers or just significantly better than a full stack Vivaldi?

it’s not about bass, mid, treble, image depth, all i can say it is much better musically than my previous klimax dsm/2, i just feel more emotional, attached to the music that i am listening to.

never heard the vivaldi, so i can’t say.


Are you using Naim pre/power? The Linn dealer selling this to me indicates it is best to go directly into power amp.

I think I did post a number of times before about what I am using.

I still have 552/500, but now I am reducing the box count, I also have the Klimax Solos, plus others. Some are used in the 2nd system.

Btw, this time probably I feel I have found a streamer that sounds as good as or maybe better than my LP12, even this is new, less than 24 hours of playing.