System Pics 2021

Congrats on your Dutch citizenship, Geoff - nice to see you back posting. Have you moved your system since I last visited? I see you’ve kept the ‘Gorbe’ but much else has changed…?

Wow that’s one hell of setup. SL2 as rear speakers. I have never been tempted by active because of the expense and combinatorial black box explosion… Like you say it takes a while to dismantle and rebuild a system. I take half a day including dusting etc…
I bet it must sound great though. I have never heard a DBL based system.
I suppose it is a room specific for music and home cinema which is something I am aiming for with our extension basement room.

Very nice having SL2s as rears…


I think from what you mention…Sl2 is without a doubt your favorite speaker but have you been impressed by another speaker?

Hi Jon

As you say a lot has changed but I am happy with my setup.
I did keep the ‘Gorbe’ which has a Koetsu in it. Vinyl is still vinyl and once you have a library of LPs it would be a waste to leave that analog sound.

However this is the now the ‘heart’ of the rest of my system TBH

Auralic Altair G.1 streaming DAC

It has it’s merits. For me it certainly competes with anything equivalent from Naim.
Perhaps that’s why the Naim logo is upside down :rofl:
Stay safe


Very minimal ha! :slight_smile: Very cool.

Nice! Audio Physic and Naim is a great combo in my opinion.
Looking forward to your impressions …

Yup, DBLs are rather good too.


I was anxious to achieve DBLs even a second hand…but it’s hard to get

I liked the white speakers you auditioned some time ago (don’t remember which ones, just the look of it) better in your room. Although this also doesn’t look bad at all! Enjoy.

Hi Mario

How does music sound on the DBLs vs. multichannel listening?


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Spot the Speaker:


Nice log burner👍

Weekend vibes with Naim and some Japanese whisky :grinning:


Good when listening at night:


That is a combination I like very much, too. Cheers! :slight_smile:


Ok in light of today’s purchase, here are my changes to system. Got really lucky with the IBL’s, owner had them about 8 years and bought them off a chap who had new tweeters and crossovers from Naim, they also have new grills so look almost like new other than a few tiny marks that don’t trouble even my ocd! Sound wise I am really liking them so far, even on the 120. Lots of detail and that signature Naim sound. Forward and dry. Really enjoying them and whilst they don’t have the clout of the Arcs I actually prefer them. I say I’m totally bias to old Naim tho!!

Some pics. Slightly messy lounge as Christmas is here and my daughter has a million related gadgets and paraphernalia in the vicinity :laughing:

Cabling will be sorted later I moved everything around this evening. Might even get some black Naca so it blends in. Not sure though as I’ve always liked it in white for some reason…


They look superb Lewis. I seem to remember you had SBLs a few years back?

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Nice one Lewis. What a nice setup you’ve got there👌

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Thanks guys. Yes I had SBL’s in cherry and actually they were my favourite speaker of all the multitude I’ve tried over the years. The IBL’s are basically the same but more diminutive. They have that same dry forward crisp sound.

Next job is paint the lounge white and lose the magnolia.