System Pics 2021

The artist is Bernard Rooke.
Amongst other works, he likes to paint musicians, in this unique style.


Auditioned a pair in the late 80’s against the proac super tabletts
But couldn’t afford them with the dedicated stands so i went for the proacs

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Steady on man I only got them yesterday! I plan to fit them don’t worry! :slight_smile:

Had a good listen to them today in between entertaining my daughter! They sound so nice and open, it’s like someone just cranked up the midrange dial on the equaliser. Seem to work really rather well with the Nap 120. I will try them with the 250 but I ran the 120 with the Arcs as it has that je ne c’est quoi and just sounded so engaging that I keep it on rotation. Certainly seem to get enough control with the 120 and even with fast drum and bass it’s tight and controlled and not wooly at all. I’d like to hear them through 135’s I bet they’d be amazing.


It must be Christmas!


Just for you Nige;

I see to have mislaid the second set so may just buy a full new set of 8. Seems to be loads available anyone got any input as which ones are the best? I mean they are much of a muchness but would rather buy some proper ones than some eBay ones from China.


Christmas tree and Radio Paradise… :heart_eyes:


Half way there!! There’s a full set of 8 on eBay for £15.

Phew, all three Christmas trees are up now, so it’s time for a Christmassy system shot.


The Festive Sanseveria is very nice indeed. Well done.


Do I spot an LP12 cushion there? Nice!

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Lovely low-slung LP12 there @ratrat – and do I spot a Pauline Murray & The Invisible Girls LP? Quality!


Well spotted :wink:
From 1980. “Mr X” is my favourite track.
Great record and not at all like what she did previously with Penetration.
Just playing some of our oldies, from way back, now we’ve got all our vinyl out from their moving boxes.

Incidentally, past few days, I’ve also been listening to her latest offering online - “Elemental” - to see if we fancy buying that that one on Vinyl. Might put it on my Christmas list…

Our record collection spans from mid 70’s to late 80’s. Then, last 5 years or so, as we’ve got back into vinyl. (Everything in between - from late 80’ to recent time - is on CD or download).

Now we’ve moved home, it’s just so nice to have them all out and easy to play. It’s been a while since we’ve had the space to allow this. And the LP12 was always part of that end game. :+1:

It’s looks just fab’ in the morning sunlight.

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The green of the tree complements the olive fronted boxes very nicely.


It is isn’t it. I had one driving my SBLs and it was exactly that.

And a shoe box system is just one of those high points of design.


Sorry - OCD made me level it :innocent:

Looks great and even though I never quite understood all the fuss about ES14s, at least mine are now getting some welcome use in my workshop. It’s a myth that they need a 250 to work best. IMO a 110 (or 140) has all the grunt they can handle and the all important midband is musically superior to the rather sluggish 250.


Love the show box size and design. They are so cool :sunglasses:
As you say, a high point of design.
Which might be why Naim continue to make products in this size case.
Olive 72 - HiCap - 140 makes for an absolutely brilliant HiFi.
Low scale / low impact in a room.
Perfect for small spaces, (like Ikea Kallax boxes, which are also ideal for vinyl).

It’s no problem the 72 doesn’t have a remote. In this vinyl only system, we have to get up anyway every few moment, to change records.

Just enjoying Pete Townshend “Empty Glass”. (1980).
Love the piano and keyboard work in “And I Moved”.


Roy Wood?


Time for an updated picture! Enjoying The Alan Parsons Project at the moment. :heart_eyes:


Good looking tree there…

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I can remember when I was first interested in hifi… There was a Naim advert in a magazine with shoe box and full size boxes arranged at angles. I was always intrigued by what these boxes could be with their lack of controls and unusual shapes

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