System Pics 2021

The first HiFi amplifier I owned - back in the 1970’s - was a NAD classic, with bass and treble tone controls as well as buttons for specific filters.

Then, my first “proper” amplifier was a Quad 34 pre and Quad 405 II power.
The Quad pre had a balance dial and also had tone controls, (of sorts), with “tilt” and “bass lift” settings.

Like you, when I first noticed Naim amplifiers, thought their simplistic design all a bit weird.
Funny how things work out…

Having said that, things often go full cycle over time. Now, the fashion seems to be room correction software and settings.

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As you say, there is something rather lovely about the classic small boxes. This little one gives us a great deal of pleasure.


“Does what it says on the tin”…
Synonyms for ‘does (exactly) what it says on the tin’: reliable, trustworthy, consistent, sound, secure, dependable, responsible, steady, reputable.

BTW, love the Christmas scene :wink:

Love the Christmas scene as well. German? Is there a brand/ design so I may try to find.

alessi happy-eternity-baby-crib



hello Gracie.1 I am enjoying it enormously. It may only be the entry level model but the sound is stunning.
I was able to buy it with some unexpected funds, so I don’t plan to look at upgrading.

I sold my old system and then a few other things to get the nait 5si to go with it - they sound stunning together

As Mr M says, it’s the Alessi Happy Eternity Baby. The two little sheep are Alessi ‘Tiny little sheeps’ and come separately. While smaller I think they go together well, just like Olive and Classic.


Ha! Good shout…And as the writer of possibly the best Christmas song ever, very apt that he should be on my speakers!

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Hello HH,
What sort of FM antenna do you have or are you running this off the "cable?
I just started up the NAT05 after being boxed for many years. I have a Magnum Dynalab ST-2 omni antenna which is quite ok. With some stations the quality is very good but most not. Do you also have access to internet radio via a streaming device. The auralic has this and I have mixed experiences and not as good as listening to a good quality transmission from the German station HR2 through the NAT05.

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Hi Mark

We have a simple five element aerial on the roof. We have a good signal because there is a direct line of sight to the big transmitter on the Isle of Wight. As you know, the Naim tuners need a good signal, the 02 more than the 05.

My NDX2 has internet radio that sounds good, but for some reason I just like the 02. We lose internet occasionally and having FM means it’s unaffected.


Your system, particularly with the new source, would benefit from better speakers IMO @anon4489532

My life would benefit from many things I’m sure, but different speakers isn’t one of them. I don’t know if you’ve heard the Tablette 10 Signature but they are superb speakers and perfectly at home in my little system. Others use them with far more illustrious setups than mine, such as ND555, 552 and 300.


Thanks for the response. That should be the best configuration to get the best sound from a Naim tuner. Regarding the speakers I think you hot the wrong person. I never had celestion speakers. Unless you are referring to the heybrook HB1 that I had for 15 years or so. The rubber surrounds on the mid/bass drivers started to perish.

Yes, I used to own a pair, a long time ago. I was thinking about system balance, that’s all, given to have two good quality sources there.

Sorry, somehow a response to another post got muddled in with that you your good self!! Put it down to age and general discombobulation.

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But the advice is a good piece of advice with regards loudspeaker purchases :slight_smile:
Something I did with the SL2 and what I intend to do next year with some living voice ibx-rw4

Nigel is a strong advocate of these speakers , I think they are also found on another member’s 500 system .

They were first available in January 2018 I believe, so if it really was ‘ages ago’ they must have been a different model. Unless four years counts as ‘ages’ of course.

Non signatures.