System Pics 2023

N10/2 - H50B……5 tb hard drive, will post something else when i collect the new onetomorrow.

Here’s a great Norma pic for you😉


Ha ha smart arse

Always one in the crowd :crazy_face::crazy_face:

Thanks for the laugh though :+1:

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I can confirm your findings on the Graham speakers. A speaker should be auditioned with basic gear and cabling, to hear the basic characteristics of the speaker itself. But after this, certain things can be tuned, at least, to my experiences. The low end is ok, but the thing that can be bettered. What to do is experiment, as every room is different. For me, with these speakers, the low end were greatly improved with the power network (distribution, PC etc). The mid and highs are so beautiful, that the ok low end is the compromise I gladly made. Luckily I managed to work on the low end, and have a sublime result. Any way, it is all very subjective.


It’s a lovely bright morning.


End game… (for now).


I like the colour but hey I’m Dutch.


New Clock…

I appreciate a clockwork clock and have a few old clocks that I have working in the house…

(but I do not think your new clock is clockwork…)

I love the way your picture immediately follows mine, especially as the composition is so similar. It shows so well how a stereo can come in all shapes and sizes and how different people choose such different solutions. Wonderful.


No clockwork I’m afraid, just boring old quartz and a battery.

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The quartz will keep good time…

I wind clocks once a week, and then the chiming is in time (mostly) but after a week a few clocks are a few minutes out so the chiming lasts one after another.

I have some that just tick-tock, some that chime, and some that strike.

PS, and to avoid being charged with straying from the subject, I see you have a white gadget plugged into the wall socket behind you very attractive table supporting the Uniti, and I was wondering what it was?

My guess is perhaps a timer for the light, or is it part of the power feed to the Uniti?

All I can say is… JUST WOW! :open_mouth:

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It’s a Tapo smart plug so we can do exactly as you suggest, set the light to come on while we are away. It also avoids fumbling around for the in line switch on the lamp. The Nova is plugged into separate dedicated mains with a PowerLine.

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The shadow pattern cast by the window frames is delightful.

Thanks. The sun kept going in and out, so it was a matter of waiting for the right moment.


A few new additions this month (PMC twenty 5,24I & Rose RS150B)
I’m done - for now!


The Graham LS5/5f floorstanders are available in the US. Gig Harbor Audio, a Graham dealer in WA has had a pair. I prefer the stand mounts, but the room plays a big role with these larger speakers. I have the 5/8s and they fit my room perfectly…I generally prefer the 5/8 to the 5/5 for their more effortless presentation.

I spent a few days over there last week, visited Maarssen, Utrecht, Kaatsheuvel, Den Bosch, Zeist and Egmond Ann Zee, lovely country.