System Pics 2023

Got a second, smaller Quadraspire rack to move my turntable, phonostage and regenerator off of the floor and properly isolated. Looks much better now and improved the sound somewhat.


what we really need is an independent organisation to test a range of racks and report the results in real world situations if only which covered this

Maybe itā€™s deliberate for some reason but you have the shelves on the larger rack upside down. It should sound better with them the right way up.

Also the additional isolation platforms you are using will probably make the Quadraspire sound worse. They make their own isolation pucks for use under equipment feet that sound excellent and also spikes for a top-shelf. These work in sympathy with the rack design to enhance itā€™s sound. Third-party additions are much more likely to make things worse rather than better.

This is never going to happen is it - other than group tests in hi-fi mags. Same with interconnect and other cables etc. etc. The trouble is that the value of such tests is questionable because these things are so system and environmentally dependant.

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Not to mention individual perceptions.
We all have different ears and different views on what sounds goodā€¦etcšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Mmm most of us :grin:


Ohā€¦ whose ears have you pilfered Pete?
Flipping Aussies, a Nation of Convicts :wink: :rofl:


And youā€™re surprised. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Nah! My Grandfather was Australian and he was a PROPER rogue, as are a large section of my Mothers family. (All rogues) :rofl:
I am, apparently, entitled to Australian citizenship. Iā€™m not convinced, but it may be truešŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø

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My great grandparents on my fathers side were Scottish but that doesnā€™t mean a toss hear. Funny how that daul citizenship thingy only seems to go one way.


Would you want to be Scottish, they have a terrible Rugby teamšŸ˜‚
Suffering badly from thread drift hereā€¦:face_with_peeking_eye:

And way too cold for this Aussie duck.

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Well you Aussies of convict heritage donā€™t deserve anything :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

At least us Kiwis donā€™t fall into that category - although ???

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I thought most non Māori Kiwiā€™s were Australian migrantsā€¦ :wink:

I was about to say that ha - better burn my Aussie passport :grinning::grinning:

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No but you blokes canā€™t seem to stay at home though, makes me wonder why you guys leave in your droves. And donā€™t give that over used bs about iq.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Back on topic now ha :flushed:

I think stems from a couple lengthy blogs on line where someone has professed alternative facts backed up with their interpretation of tests playing about with speakers on and off spikes with a vibrometer. Their declaration that spikes are used by morons. Itā€™s all presented in a convincing wayā€¦ except I wasnā€™t.

My stuff aounds better on a rack and I donā€™t believe thatā€™s subjective preference to vibration induced noise. Nor do I believe any gear is tuned to sound better with certain amounts of microphonic other than is little as possible. Though Iā€™m sure some gear sounds better or worse depending on what frequencies are suppressed better.

No, not deliberate at all. I didnā€™t realise that they were upside down until recently but I donā€™t have the stomach to re-assemble the stand and all the hassle that goes with it quite yet.

Re: additional isolation I can tell you for certain that the vinyl gear improved placing them on the rack with the isolation bibs-and-bobs I use. I may very well get the brass top-shelf spikes at some point but itā€™ll have to wait.

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Thanks for your reply Taake. Yes I know what you mean about re-assembling the rack - these days itā€™s even a hassle to me to fiddle with cables. One reason why Iā€™m not investigating the new Chord network isolation devices - I just canā€™t be bothered to fiddle with things any more!

Re the additional isolation you obviously know if you like it so allā€™s well. If you ever have a few hundred quid burning a hole in your pocket then you might like to try the Quadraspire Q Plus feet as an additional isolation. Iā€™ve got the middle of the range ones under most of my stuff on my Quadraspire SV rack and they work really well. Not exactly cheap at Ā£400 for set of 4 but not stupidly expensive either. And they do work - give a noticeably tighter bass and more rhythmic sound.

I like the Quadraspire racks because they are dead simple to set up, they are maintenance free and they look attractive.