System Pics 2025

On the cusp of a new year (happy New Year to our members in NZ!), and noting that nobody else has yet started one, here’s a new and refreshed System Pics thread for 2025.

I thought I would go back to some pictures I took of my main system on this day exactly 15 years ago:


Oh worship thee great Nak!


Love your cassette decks especially the one on top. :wink:


Very nice indeed!

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Meridian still looks class act. Always wanted on but was out of reach back in the day.


Very nice, Richard. Are the 552 and 250 the original none DR versions that are currently in today’s setup, upgraded to DR?

A couple of big changes in 2024.



The 552 is the same one I still have and use (albeit with fresh caps). The 250 there was a pre-production unit of the Classic range that I had been using for AV. There used to be a 500 in there but I sold it just before the picture was taken. It was bought by a lovely fellow from Austria who drove over to collect it and also gave me a delicious Sacher Torte as a present.

I eventually had the pre-production 250 serviced (it couldn’t be DRed as it was not quite the final production layout internally - different holes in different places etc…) and then replaced it with a new 250DR.


Here’s one i took of my system in Dec 2022. Nothing’s changed, still the same today. Speakers are n-SATs/n-STANDs/n-SUB. All Naim cabling. Really enjoying the system today as ever. Coming in to 2025! Happy New Year!:facepunch:


I was lucky enough to afford one in the day @Adam1. However, it might have looked a class act but mine was a PITA! Sounded good when it worked but unfortunately that wasn’t all (most?) of the time. Was ultimately replaced with a CDX2.

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Oh the cassette player with equalizer controls. That brings back memories. Nice!

In answer to your last question on the 2024 thread, the back box next to the 500 looks like a small B&W AV speaker.

Has anyone on here had much experience of the later G-series models from Meridian - they look very slick (IMO) but they never seem to get much coverage in the Hi FI press.

Loved it when cars had these too.

My Porsche 944 has still got the original cassette deck with EQ controls.


Porsche 944 - which model? I always liked those (preferred them styling wise to the later 968 and early Boxsters).

After a busy and expensive drive in 2024, this is the system that we finished the year with.
There is a potential for a significant change following my Birthday in January. We shall see if it looks the same in the 2nd quarter of 2025😉


my system, only change this year was to get new SCDR to replace my SC, as I missed getting the DR upgrade - finished well pretty much, new cartridge for LP12 and revolver in 2025 following demo @Cymbiosis and as LP12 is my main source

all I need to do in 2025 is play more music! which is on my TODO list, 20 + years of ownership loved the journey and moreover the music ! :sunglasses:


Current system with my “alternative” LP12 turntable and recently acquired NDX.


Mines an S2, 1990 so one of the later ones made before production ended.

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Mostly cable upgrades in 2024 but it has been a transformative experience. Cables do matter! Ansuz D2 DIN DIN here next week to launch 2025 :rocket: :green_heart: