Tellurium Silver II Speaker Cable

If they’re anything like the Silver II’s, they will take a while to settle in. I’ve been running mine for a 2-3 weeks and I still feel they’re getting better. I think, as Mrpseudonym says… because the mids open up so much to reveal more detail it can give the illusion of being lighter in bass. I’m sure they’ll get better and better as they bed in!


Different cable tonight! Plentiful bass, still open and airy and high treble has calmed down.

Is this the Tellurium Silver speaker cable you are talking about? Perhaps switch to the NACA5 once it’s settled down to see if there’s a difference. I’m rather reluctant to make the switch having gone through the comparison several times throughout the years with different speaker cables.

Yep the TQ silver. Sounds superb but I’m still intending to put the naca5 back in a week or so for comparison

Ah yes ,I do remember his conclusion that the much costlier material just didn’t provide a performance lift ,It also shows how well constructed and sound the original design is.I remember when Peter was trying armour board and various ply versions he invited me over for a listen and another opinion and dropped off a couple of different amps for him to try on the speakers ,lots of fun.
Ah news like that would have made his day .
No sadly I do not have a pair of the Sphear loudspeakers at the time almost 20 years ago I was an importer of various other audio products into NZ so my priorities were split ,but I did try to get the speakers some traction with my connections in the industry ,as you know this was a costly speaker to develop with custom drivers and very advanced damping materials ( not cheap fibreglass or not so cheap wool ) real cutting edge stuff back then.
So you have a very rare speaker that sounds very natural .
Do you have the speakers mounted on stands? Peter added another low frequency driver to his stands to give a little more foundation to the sound as his listening room was medium sized 6metres X 6 and a very high ceiling well furnished ,I am not sure the added driver was necessary as this speaker did not require such for most listening preferences.
The NAP 300 should be a good fit and that would be the sweet spot for this speaker as it likes a bit of current.

so popped in the naca5 at the weekend… the TQ stays.


Not surprised to hear you say that. I was so impressed with the TQ that I didn’t even bother to revert to NACA5. It was that clear cut.


That’s good to hear Hifi-dog. Guess the re-terminated NACA5 is basically still a NACA5.


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