Terry Richardson R.I.P

It’s sad news to post the passing of a legendary Naim Rep and friend to many here in Canada.
Terry will be truly missed here by so many.
Little bit shocked still as I sort though so many memories.

Post from his family,

We are absolutely heartbroken to announce the passing of our father Terrence John Richardson on Wednesday, July 5 at 9:00 PM

As the sun set on us that evening, we are truly grateful to say he peacefully passed into his forever sleep whilst listening to Paul Simon on his Naim hi-fi system with his closest friends and family surrounding his bedside at his home here in London Ontario.

Everyone who knew Terry will miss his legendary sharp wit and strong character. The audiophile community in heaven are ready receive their newest member with open arms.

As our family is still processing this great loss we will be announcing a celebration of life at a later date.

Please celebrate Terry and his legacy by posting any pictures and anecdotes about your favourite memories with Dad. Our dad.


Very sad news indeed I worked with him in Falkirk when he stayed in Edinburgh many years ago and then the shop changed and he went to Canada.
What a character often thought about.
He must have had a good innings.
One of the funny stories I remember was him taking a pair of Seas DD Towers home for a listen in a hillman imp. :rofl:
RIP Terry.


Very sorry to hear this sad news. I got to know Terry a bit during my time with Naim, and have happy memories of a couple of road trips we did together visiting dealers in Canada - he was great company. We kept in touch over the years whenever he wanted some quick and direct Naim help or advice but hadn’t heard from him for a while. I may have some pics stored somewhere. If I can find one I’ll post it up here.

RIP Terry.


Sorry to hear. Met him a few times here in Ottawa on his visits and we always had some good laughs. Seems he shuffled off this mortal coil in one of the best ways possible, amongst family, friends and music…


Sad to hear of Terry’s passing, a true audio warrior a terrific ambassador for Naim and all we stood for but more importantly for the industry. His strong open honest approach, his loyalty and sense of purpose was something to behold. I had been in contact with Terry the last year plus and he never once mentioned his illness - he was a stand up bloke who had a positive influence on so many and loved a good pint! R.I.P Terry.


I met Terry while living in Toronto during the 90’s. Over the years, we would get together to break some bread and share a few pints every once in a while. Some good times…


Chewing on a tinfoil sandwich. If ya know ya know lol


Yes, Terry would play a CD, then remove it from the player, place it between two sheets of aluminum foil, press down, remove the disc and then play it again. For some inexplicable reason, it did not sound the same, the second time.


Legendary he was
I enjoyed making him Expresso’s for him
Years a go when I was just starting my shop my mom would cook him a real English type dinner when he was in town
Found memories of them talking about the “ old country “


Terry was a lovely guy and taught me lots in my early days of HI-FI.
It was a long time ago but although he went to Canada and we never met again he’s been in my memory all that time.
Larger than life and took no nonsense and said it like it was.
I remember him as being a large unit in a dark grey suit with wild professor like hair and an RAF moustache.
We had many Saturday lunches together and made him countless mugs of coffee and he always said cheers mate with a wink.
He liked a pint and a good laugh fond memories indeed. :cry:


Terry was the reason why I bought NAIM. Back in 1982 when I was 3rd year of University in London Ontario I got to know Terry. He was working at London Audio and set me up with my first “Hi-end” turntable, a Thorens TD-166MkII with a Grace F9E cartridge. Deal was that one could trade it in (full value) within a year if upgrading. Upgrade I did to a Linn LP12, initially with the Basik and Grace Cartridge, eventually to a circus/Ittok/Asaka. He set me up with a NAC32/HiCap/NAP250 and started me down the road of collecting Naim gear. Often had long discussions and listening sessions at London Audio trying other setups and Naim combinations, playing and discussing music. Many good memories over the years. He will be missed. RIP Terry.


Hi All,
I have joined you to remember our friend Terry.
I met Terry at London Audio in 1982 I was 15). I had a misbehaving Epi 100 tweeter.
Terry’s first order of business was to make me a coffee…my first. We were fiends for life…really. We stayed in touch until the present…exchanging thoughts, ideas and the occasional shematic. When a friend dies one relizes you think of them most days. All I had to do was mention his name to Steve at Hififofum and the doors were open…thanks Steve. Many memories…here are Jeanette and Terry at my wedding reception '96


Thank you everyone for the fun memories being shared here. They are truly heartwarming.

We will be having a celebration of life for Terry at Toronto audio fest in late October. If you were interested in joining please let me know. I will post up here again when I iron out the details.

Regards, iain

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