The 300 Series - Just Listening Experiences

Thanks for the write up. Did your comparison include 222/300/250 v 333/332/250? Apologies if I missed it but I’m curious if it’s worth the move since I don’t want to go beyond a 3 box system.

I didn’t test it without the 300 but I think there is insight to that comparison earlier on this thread. You know you’ll be tempted to increase the box count if you replace 222/300 with 332/333 :wink:

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Instant on keeps full power on. Turning it off only shuts off the front logo according to the manual.

Ok so you compared 222/300/250 to 333/300/332/250? ?Just want to make sure I understand. Was hoping to hear the three on three comparison.

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I’d be very interested to hear how this goes, as I regard the end game for me to be 300 series with active or passive 50s


Ok, I’ve had half a day listening, so here’s a few thoughts.
The NS333 was a straight replacement for my 2016 NDS (which I bought second hand back in 2019), and powered by my 555PS DR.
I’m sure someone will ‘flame’ me in subsequent comments as for some I’m sure this is a strange move.
Especially as amplification remains my SN2.
I’m a predominantly Roon user, so have been using a workaround UPnP Bridge up to now.
The ND555 is out of my league price wise, will be for quite some time, and the NS333 is a long term purchase that will serve me for many years to come now that I am nearing the end of my main income earning years.
I wanted to move over to the new platform with all the benefits that brings, do away with the Bridge which I’m sure will fail at some point, and have a unit that is Roon ready.
Sure, my amplification is the weak point of the system, always has been, but my intention is to move to a new integrated in time, hopefully Naim, as and when funds and something appropriate becomes available.

It was an absolute doddle to set up, and the 555PS does a great job powering the NS333.

To the listening.
Is it better or worse than the NDS that it replaces?
Im not sure I could say categorically, some tracks seem to have more detail, others less so, probably might be able to say if my amplification was on a higher level.
Im using a convolution filter (DSP) in Roon which probably masks it also I guess.
Maybe that’s just it, I’m not able to say.
I didn’t buy it to get better SQ than my NDS, it was a purchase for long term enjoyment. I was hoping it wouldn’t be too far adrift, and it feels super close, at least in my system with my 57 year old ears, and I really don’t feel I have lost anything.
Lovely packaging and build quality, ease of set up and simplicity of use, things have moved on so much for the better since the last time I purchased a new Naim item.

Definitely a happy customer and would urge people mixing legacy items with NC to give it a try, the cable solutions from Naim have eased the burden of having to change everything all at once for sure, something I would not have been able to do otherwise.
Hope this helps anyone thinking of a similar move.


I just posted my initial thoughts @marcusman , hope that helps

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Thanks reading it now!

Nice balanced review thank you - listening to a 333 in a few weeks but I think my Gen 1 NDX is on borrowed time…

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I would say compared to an NDX gen 1, an NS333 will absolutely not disappoint you @Sinewave
Enjoy the demo :+1:

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Day 4 is really good. Opening up and more consistent. This, sounds raw and powerful just like it should. You can really feel Bonham’s power


Just back from Signals, they had Jason Gould giving a demo of the 200/300 series with Dynaudio Confidence 60 speakers.
The 200 series sounded better than i remember them from a few months ago, and Jason took us through adding a 300 series power supply. The NC250 did a good job of handing these large Dynaudio speakers considering they are not an easy load. The sound signature if i had never heard the old series would be fine, though to me i miss the weight/ presence and tonality of the latter. Adding the power supply helps, but not sure it was worth the money imo.
Jason then took us through the 300 series, without the 300 power supply. He then added a psu to the new streamer, then to the new preamp, then changed out the NC250 for a brace of the 350 monoblocks. He characterised the 300 series as NDX2 comparable and the preamp as somewhere slightly above a 252/SC. He did the power supply changes and yes it was easier to follow the music, tighter bass, small nuances showing up, a more natural sound. Again i was left feeling the power supplies did not add enough for the money imo.
Then the 350 amps were added…….this was by far and away the best component of them all. Perhaps it shone because of the Dynaudio Confidence 60 needing more power………but it brought the system together for me. Before i could have taken or leave it……now it was much more of an interesting proposition.
In summary for those walking in with fresh ears these are two good systems. For those with legacy systems i am not so sure they will sound that broken. The 350 monoblocks at £12k for a pair are a steal imo……the streamer, preamp are good but not in the same league.


When he classed the 332 as slightly above 252/Sc was that with or without the 300 PS?


Thank you for the report @Gazza a very interesting read. :+1:

With the power supply.


The more I read the more it seems the new power amps are the game changers.


Yes……it was a bit ho hum thats nice, another psu ho hum nice……and then the 350;s get your attention,


Jason’s view is at odds with those who say the NC blows the OC away it seems. Perhaps with the exception of the 250/350.

When the 200 series was launched it was the 250 that got the highest praise and the same is being said of the 350 it would appear. As you say, £12k is beginning to look like a steal.

I am still waiting to hear the 300 series but am expecting the biggest uplift to come from the 332/350. I have only ever used integrated amps (SN3 at the moment) so originally thought of 332/250. However, I am now of the mind that the 350s will offer the closest to a forever amp with no need to consider upgrades thereafter.

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Get the 350’s if you can. You’ll forever be left wondering otherwise. And by the sound of it they will lift the whole system.

Plus it will cost more in the long run if you upgrade later