The 300 Series - Just Listening Experiences

Just back from Signals, they had Jason Gould giving a demo of the 200/300 series with Dynaudio Confidence 60 speakers.
The 200 series sounded better than i remember them from a few months ago, and Jason took us through adding a 300 series power supply. The NC250 did a good job of handing these large Dynaudio speakers considering they are not an easy load. The sound signature if i had never heard the old series would be fine, though to me i miss the weight/ presence and tonality of the latter. Adding the power supply helps, but not sure it was worth the money imo.
Jason then took us through the 300 series, without the 300 power supply. He then added a psu to the new streamer, then to the new preamp, then changed out the NC250 for a brace of the 350 monoblocks. He characterised the 300 series as NDX2 comparable and the preamp as somewhere slightly above a 252/SC. He did the power supply changes and yes it was easier to follow the music, tighter bass, small nuances showing up, a more natural sound. Again i was left feeling the power supplies did not add enough for the money imo.
Then the 350 amps were added…….this was by far and away the best component of them all. Perhaps it shone because of the Dynaudio Confidence 60 needing more power………but it brought the system together for me. Before i could have taken or leave it……now it was much more of an interesting proposition.
In summary for those walking in with fresh ears these are two good systems. For those with legacy systems i am not so sure they will sound that broken. The 350 monoblocks at £12k for a pair are a steal imo……the streamer, preamp are good but not in the same league.


When he classed the 332 as slightly above 252/Sc was that with or without the 300 PS?


Thank you for the report @Gazza a very interesting read. :+1:

With the power supply.


The more I read the more it seems the new power amps are the game changers.


Yes……it was a bit ho hum thats nice, another psu ho hum nice……and then the 350;s get your attention,


Jason’s view is at odds with those who say the NC blows the OC away it seems. Perhaps with the exception of the 250/350.

When the 200 series was launched it was the 250 that got the highest praise and the same is being said of the 350 it would appear. As you say, £12k is beginning to look like a steal.

I am still waiting to hear the 300 series but am expecting the biggest uplift to come from the 332/350. I have only ever used integrated amps (SN3 at the moment) so originally thought of 332/250. However, I am now of the mind that the 350s will offer the closest to a forever amp with no need to consider upgrades thereafter.

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Get the 350’s if you can. You’ll forever be left wondering otherwise. And by the sound of it they will lift the whole system.

Plus it will cost more in the long run if you upgrade later


Spot on! I won’t listen to a 250 and will instead spend the time comparing NDX2 to 333. Assuming the 332/350 sounds much better (to me) than the SN3, I will definitely buy the 332/350.


I’m curious to know how the 350s would with a 552DR which is my forever pre. It may be that you need it’s natural partner to get the best out of it and vice versa, and the same will apply to NC.


At the risk of being controversial, I don’t see the point of underpowering the Dyn 60s by using a NC250 as the starting evaluator. From what you’ve said, and as has been said ad nauseum around here at times, 'speakers like these big Dyns benefit materially from having more power on tap, especially for bass control (as challenged bass control can affect the whole presentation).

Surely, the main takeaway and process here should be to start with he 350s, adding source improvements as you go (which should be highly/more noticeable), and then step down to the NC250? If the source improvements were delivering more bass/control/better tonality, this could be being masked by the NC250 ‘struggling’ with the demands of the Dyns?

Am I being illogical?


Hi-Fi News just arrived on my library app. A positive review and my take from it is the new classic is a bit warmer than the usual Naim sound and more cultured (whatever that means).

The Naim sound tamed (but not tamed) but with a broader appeal but still with all the PRAT.

Sound Quality as mentioned above at 88%, while pretty meaningless, is a the top end of the magazine’s scale for this issue which is 85-89%.

My take from this and this thread is that Naim have released a decent updated line-up and hugely simplified things with just one “new classic” power supply upgrade for both amps and digital players.

I’m quite happy with my less cultured Naim amplification and will enjoy the remaining time that my 552 is a current product until its usurper appears and suddenly I’ll probably have a bad case of FOMO.



I agree, and I would definitely test more than one type of speaker if drawing any conclusions on amplification need. I could also imagine that if one would like to sell me the 350 over the 250, or showcase it, the Dynaudio 60 are one of the best speakers to use for the job!:slight_smile:

Not to take anything away from the generally positive reviews but I also wonder how many of these comparisons have been done at matching/same loudness levels? A 2 dB difference and one’s preference already shifts easily, let alone more. At demos I’ve rarely seen anyone really do that unless asked. At home I would never compare any other way. More important to me than all those blind testing discussions.


Of course recognising that a purer reproduction (improved tonality & bass control etc,) often enables a tad more volume to be used IME.

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Thanks for your concise comments. Any sense as to how the 350 monoblocs would compare to your 500DR? Probably difficult to compare given different preamps, source and speakers but wondering if you had a guess.

Many permutations i guess, but its a big room. It would be nice to have heard the 300 series without any extra psu with the 350,s. But there is a time limit and Naim are in the driving seat……plenty of time for a proper demo tailored for the customer by any dealer etc.

Thats a difficult one. To my ears the 500dr has a certain sound, grace under pressure……the 350,s a little to eager to please. Would i buy a new 500 dr……not now…….would i buy an ex demo or a preloved 500dr over a 350………YES.
I chatted to Jason……the new 500 series is at least 2 years away, and as he said……if it means getting it right, that could drag out?


Your logic is spot on. The 350s have to be the starting point and as such, so will the 332. In my case, this is subject to the 332/350s sounding better than the SN3.

Confident that the amplifier is as good as I am prepared to go, the comparison between NDX2 and 333 should be easier. From there it may be NDX300 with NDX2 vs bare 333.

I didn’t find their review very helpful. Seemed conflicting at times and too many throw away comments such as, and I para -phrase, ‘above the NDX2 but thankfully a long way off the ND555’. That comment alone should have been justified with a paragraph or so?

I may discover what they mean by cultured when I listen for myself.