The 300 Series - Just Listening Experiences

Doesn’t sound good, what’s the problem?:thinking:


Have you also connected a new 332 or are you guessing?

Actually it sounds sublime…

Excellent, what has the 332 replaced?


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Congrats on the new purchase! Looks great!
As for the balance, I have to say I’m relieved now that I’m not the only one. Hope I saved you the panic from discovering it :slight_smile: What streamer are you using?

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Are those 250 and 300, or a pair of 350’s at the bottom? If 250 and 300, which one did you place at the bottom? Just curious as I’m expecting my Fraim later this week.

Thank you for the detailed review. I paid close attention to your notes on the burn in sections.
When I first bought the NC 250/222/300, burn in was a long process. For 2 weeks it all sounded dull, closed but then it opened up in large chunks. Now that I’m going through burn in with 332 and 333, my experience has been different, they started sounding pretty good after 3-4 hours even though they’ll likely open up more. My own experience lead me to believe 250 was the longest burn in, then the 300.
So I would expect the pair of 350’s to open up quite a bit next week or the week after. With just a few days of running , I’d say they may not have been through that dramatic transformation point yet. It would be interesting to hear if your dealer confirms if that’s the case in a couple of weeks.

300 and 250 with 250 on bottom level since it’s the heaviest

It replaced replaces a 252/SCDR

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Streaming is a secondary source so I use a Pulsemini/HugoTT.

On the test cd I have left and right is correct so it would appear to be a remote or software issue

Well according to the review in Hi Fi News those with a ND555 are still sitting pretty (I can hear @Mike_S breathing a sigh of relief :grin:) however those with a NAP500 might feel a little uncomfortable. :scream:

Interesting the reviewer isn’t or wasn’t a fan of Naim amps. All up a rather positive review the guys in HQ seemed have done a great job.


Wow, a 332 without a PS sounding better than a 252/SC?


It’s with the NPX300

Phew, thanks good news. Did they find the NSS333 similar to the NDX2 @Pete_the_painter? Interesting on the NAP350, makes for an interesting option for those with a NAP300, whether to go 350 or NAP500. In my system, the former is easier as it’s a straight box swap, avoiding the large NAP500 head unit. Would lose the Superlumina full loom and would be short of a Powerline though. Hopefully we will see some local pricing soon.

No they just said it (NSS333) didn’t reach the giddy heights of the ND555. Re pricing we’re still in no man’s land I thought I read somewhere that we may get an answer this week.

The NAP350 sounds interesting, may go without a kitchen and get a pair. :grin:


Think your early observation that the NSS333 is more or less a NDX2 replacement is correct. However I’m sure there’s a few who’ll argue differently.

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Just rent for the rest of your life and get a Statement :crazy_face::crazy_face:


I’d only have to rent a bachelors pad. :grin:


Thank you for your detailed comments. Your last point is apposite I think. I have often wondered whether the continuous opening up of the sound detail and separation, with increasing level of kit would cause me to find the same. I liken it to not actually wanting to hear the second triangle on the right, but do want to know it is in the orchestra. Too much detail exposing the faults in playing, voices or the recording would spoil my enjoyment. Difficult decision to be made. Good luck.