The 300 Series - Just Listening Experiences

If the 335 gives me the sound quality of a 500 without the need for a medium sized set of legs, it would be a winner in my system…


My main hesitation (apart from cost obviously) is losing the Superlumina, I wonder whether Naim will bring out Superlumina connections for the new range?

Thank you for taking the time, for a comprehensive reply. :blush::ok_hand:

Hi Mike,
I’ve missed something along this thread’s journey.
Can’t Superlumina speaker cable work with the 350? It looks to use 4mm banana sockets, so should be fine.
Or are you referring to the interconnect which is now balanced and uses XLR connectors?

FYI when we parted company with the 52/135s, we needed balanced interconnects too. The pro Mogami ones sounded much less Hifi but more musically balanced (ahem!) than most of the £1,000-£2,000 ones.
Unfortunately, all balanced interconnects don’t sound the same to these cloth ears, much as we hoped otherwise. Despite strongly disliking their unwieldy bulk, stiffness and silly mid-length lozenge, we have ended up with Transparent Super ones. Music simply sounded right and flowed when we put these in the system. Only the Mogami managed the same feat but music sounded a bit grainy or gritty with them.

Best regards, BF

Yes, I’m referring to the (in my case) the SL from the 552 to the 300.

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That’s not quite right Pete, they write that 333 is better than the NDX2. Just saying.

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Yes you are right, but they did say there’s a gap between it and the ND555.

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Bjorn, for copyright reasons, please could you paraphrase here rather than reprint pages of the actual review. At some point Naim & HFNRR may make the review available on their website, at which point it’s fine to post.


I guess that is to be expected.

NSS333+NPX300=£13600 whereas ND555+555PS=£25999


Yes but using that formula the NDX2 is virtually the same price of the NSS333 so I guess price isn’t always the best guide.

Edit- I forgot we’ve not had pricing

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Surely ndx2 is between 222 and 333? 555 is above.

Think that’s the consensus

Sorry Pete I thought that was obvious from the price point all along.

Isn’t the NSS333 almost £2000 more than the NDX2 ?

Before that happened the NDX2 was just over $12k. However your probably right we’ve unfortunately had no pricing on the 300 series.

Ah, I see the confusion.

Be interesting to see what the price of the NSS 300 streamer will be when it lands here

Maybe somewhere in the range $15k -$20k

The more interesting comparison would be

NAC 332/NC 250 vs 252/SCDR/250DR

2 boxes vs 3 boxes

Who knows it maybe discounted before it arrives. :grin:


The performance on my NDS + 555PSDR is above NDX2 + 555PSDR in my system. And the NDS combo is also cheaper… Hook the NDS onto a computer running Audirvana + Qobuz and NDS reach a new level compared to native Tidal + Spotify. I’m guessing close to or similar to USB/Local files since it’s UPnP. Would be interesting to hear 333 + 555PSDR in the same system but if it is a close relative to NDX2 I’m likely to still prefer NDS.


No it’s not! Naim’s S level sources are never cheaper than the X level equivalent. Your NDS has simply depreciated more because it’s older.

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