The 300 Series - Just Listening Experiences

I went to a 300 series event last night at Hawthorne Stereo in Seattle. They had NPX300 power supplies on both the 333 & 332. 350 power amps and even a Solstice Turntable! Unfortunately the Focal Diablo Utopia standmounts ruined what could have been a great demo. Sterile, lifeless, boring sound came out of those speakers. It was a bummer as I’m sure the 300 series were not to blame. Shame dealers are required to use such terrible speakers as part of the “show”.

I plan to go back soon and hear the 300 Series with passive ATC50’s. That should be fun.


Looks like 300 series ship with a basic power cord not a Powerline lite??

In that photo, it looks like a Powerline Lite to me.


That’s a shame Chris the shop used Focals for the demo. I know some people like them (which is totally cool) but i have exactly the same reaction to them that you have. Sterile, glassy, analytical, lifeless. I don’t get it. I’ll take Proac, Atc active or passive, Quad esl, and so many others over any Focal at any price.

I will say the Naim Focal combo has improved a bit from the beginning of the merger. The first time i heard the combo ir was simply awful full stop. It isn’t as bad as that now, but i personally just do not like it.


I don’t know if it’s using standby but I have the “instant on” button on the back activated on both the 332 and 250. I turn off the system at night, knowing when i turn it back on in the morning, it won’t need the full warm up time. I typically wait 10-15 min to start playing though.

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Sharing a quick update that reverse balance issue on 332 is confirmed by Naim. It’s just a simple fix with a FW update. Dealers will start getting the info on this probably soon.


As the system opened up over the course of the week, I have some more details from the experience with 332, 333/300 with 250. I’ll add those at the bottom.

These are my notes before I placed them on the first rack of Fraim last night. Second is on the way for next week. Honestly, Fraim didn’t take it further. Maybe it’s the acoustics change in the room since there was a large and heavy furniture between the speakers, now I have much more wall surface. The part I didn’t like about Fraim is the speed/pace of the music is a bit less than my prior set up with Isoacoustics platforms under every box.
Before Fraim, I also tried 300 with 332, 300 with 333 has more detail and impact, 332-300 warmed up the tone a tad and added more bass impact, but that didn’t match the level of detail especially spatial information with the 333-300 combo.

PRaT: Everything is snappier with higher dynamic resolution. When I wrote my first impressions, I used relentless PRaT, it really is. It just has this sense of pace that I haven’t experienced before either in pre-Naim journey or with 222/300. It’s been very hard to turn this thing off once it starts playing. This really is the summary to take away: don’t start playing NC series if you need to go somewhere:)

Before Fraim:

Dynamics: Compared to 222, which has an impressive dynamics combined with 250 and it’s been a joy to hear tracks with vocals or drums with fast transitions between dips and peaks. 332/333/300 combo takes this to an audibly higher level and truly reveals what 250 is really capable of. That’s why I wrote that it made me appreciate what a great amp NC250 is. I still plan to go all 6 boxes but it’ll be hard to part ways with 250. It’s not going to be the weak link in most systems.

Imaging and resolution:
Like most other observations from others on the forum, there is undeniably more detail but it comes in a very musical way since the superb timing lines it up perfectly. 222 was highly resolving as well but there’s a difference in how everything is on the surface or emphasized like a real performance. An easy example is how you hear the individual notes of the bass guitar in a track on 332/333 that was way back in 222. Depending on the recording, I could follow every instrument on a track from start to finish. This brings me to how it’s all presented, clearly layered front to back, but instruments on the back are still highly resolving. Some tracks it’s a hyper realistic presentation that vocals are front and center, very focused without approximation, instruments are in layers in the back, all delivered with loads of spatial information.

My summary is that 222/300 with 250 was a great combination, can easily be an end game for most of us, very presentable in a living room set up, and has all the feature set one needs. I sought to see what’s beyond the 200 series, and starting to find out it’s a different ballgame. It needs its Fraim, needs more cables, etc. but seeing a preview of its rewards, I plan on continuing the pursuit with 350s as the next step.


Please let us know how this works for you. I have a SN3 and im considering what you have done. I heard the full 300 series last night and I’m impressed but will have to take small steps

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something wrong there mate, i use Focal diablo utopia and they are smoothhhhhhh, detailed and open, nice and fast. brilliant speakers, i used to have sopra and they are a bit more forward

Thanks for the write up. Did your comparison include 222/300/250 v 333/332/250? Apologies if I missed it but I’m curious if it’s worth the move since I don’t want to go beyond a 3 box system.

I didn’t test it without the 300 but I think there is insight to that comparison earlier on this thread. You know you’ll be tempted to increase the box count if you replace 222/300 with 332/333 :wink:

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Instant on keeps full power on. Turning it off only shuts off the front logo according to the manual.

Ok so you compared 222/300/250 to 333/300/332/250? ?Just want to make sure I understand. Was hoping to hear the three on three comparison.

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I’d be very interested to hear how this goes, as I regard the end game for me to be 300 series with active or passive 50s


Ok, I’ve had half a day listening, so here’s a few thoughts.
The NS333 was a straight replacement for my 2016 NDS (which I bought second hand back in 2019), and powered by my 555PS DR.
I’m sure someone will ‘flame’ me in subsequent comments as for some I’m sure this is a strange move.
Especially as amplification remains my SN2.
I’m a predominantly Roon user, so have been using a workaround UPnP Bridge up to now.
The ND555 is out of my league price wise, will be for quite some time, and the NS333 is a long term purchase that will serve me for many years to come now that I am nearing the end of my main income earning years.
I wanted to move over to the new platform with all the benefits that brings, do away with the Bridge which I’m sure will fail at some point, and have a unit that is Roon ready.
Sure, my amplification is the weak point of the system, always has been, but my intention is to move to a new integrated in time, hopefully Naim, as and when funds and something appropriate becomes available.

It was an absolute doddle to set up, and the 555PS does a great job powering the NS333.

To the listening.
Is it better or worse than the NDS that it replaces?
Im not sure I could say categorically, some tracks seem to have more detail, others less so, probably might be able to say if my amplification was on a higher level.
Im using a convolution filter (DSP) in Roon which probably masks it also I guess.
Maybe that’s just it, I’m not able to say.
I didn’t buy it to get better SQ than my NDS, it was a purchase for long term enjoyment. I was hoping it wouldn’t be too far adrift, and it feels super close, at least in my system with my 57 year old ears, and I really don’t feel I have lost anything.
Lovely packaging and build quality, ease of set up and simplicity of use, things have moved on so much for the better since the last time I purchased a new Naim item.

Definitely a happy customer and would urge people mixing legacy items with NC to give it a try, the cable solutions from Naim have eased the burden of having to change everything all at once for sure, something I would not have been able to do otherwise.
Hope this helps anyone thinking of a similar move.


I just posted my initial thoughts @marcusman , hope that helps

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Thanks reading it now!

Nice balanced review thank you - listening to a 333 in a few weeks but I think my Gen 1 NDX is on borrowed time…

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I would say compared to an NDX gen 1, an NS333 will absolutely not disappoint you @Sinewave
Enjoy the demo :+1:

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Day 4 is really good. Opening up and more consistent. This, sounds raw and powerful just like it should. You can really feel Bonham’s power