The 300 Series - Just Listening Experiences

Here’s the post that describes how to de-stress the Burndies. It can help quite a bit with musical flow.

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Don’t tell me your dealer didn’t de-stress the burndies before the sale?

Honestly, spending £15,000 and receiving stressed burndies hardly seems credible.



They were working very hard to make the product launch date so now they at home relaxing.

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That may be true, however in my recent experience the NAC 332 is still very capable bare.


On what basis?

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I spoke with Jason about mix and matching to get some of the old sound back….he said the new was a some if its parts and you would not gain much. In my case an S1 would be a better upgrade🥺
Forgot to ask about Superlumina?

Yes, that’s much as I was expecting. I’m looking forward to seeing the S1 in system pics :sunglasses:



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@Gazza a pair of 350s with a 525 and NDX2 would be a worthwhile upgrade?

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Well as mentioned earlier……i still prefer the 500 power amp, and you can pick one up over-here for less than the 350 mono blocks.

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That’s interesting, cheers.

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The guys did use SL cables between streamer and pre, and balanced SL between ore and power amps. Setup as good as can be?

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Mind you if this is the way HiFi News set up their demo as pictured on their reader’s pledge page, they were not set up according to the manual.

Never stack Naim products on top of each other

This photo is captioned with;

“In the listening room – two NAP 350 monoblocks from our exclusive Naim Classic 300 feature [p42] dwarfed by the Midnight Blue Signature version of B&W’s 801 D4 flagships”



Excellent write up I went to my dealer launch of the new 200 Jason Gould and Steve from Naim were in attendance speakers were the latest Spender D92 in this set upI found the addition of the power supply to bring a significant uplift to the performance.

I called into my dealer on Thursday and they have the new 300 series up and running and commented that the 350 Mono Block are the star of the new 300 series.

He is going to setup some Titan T606s (The speakers that I use at Home) and I will pop in for a listen just out of curiosity but he did say it won’t trouble any of my 500 series boxes the 350s are better than my 300dr but I would be better off if I upgraded to go for a 500dr not that I am that bothered because the system sounds awesome as it is.


Please share your thoughts once you have listened. The 606 are also my speakers - I absolutely love them!

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Had mine for nearly four years and they were superb on my ND555,252 plus 300dr system and sound absolutely sublime since I upgraded to a 552.


I have said in other posts if you walked in without ever hearing the old Naim sound, its a great new product. But…i am where i am like you…….i sort of want my cake and eat it……the best of new and old.


Dealer is recommending a 500DR over a pair of 350s?

It costs a lot more and he happens to have one in stock. Why wouldn’t he recommend it?

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Of course my brain went there . . .