The 300 Series - Just Listening Experiences

It’s a good album for timing. I had a system for a short period that threw the timing all over the place and it was this album that made me really notice it.


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Great update. Any chance of commenting on the same music with just the 332 and no 300?

I may do that later out of curiosity. and need as The Burndies are still really stiff. @110dB I assume they should be relaxed/massaged like the previous ones?


Sounding pretty good with the NC 222/300/250 as well. First time I have played the album on this setup. So much musicality filling the soundstage


Just. Wow. That’s it


Hi @nicnaim, yes, give them a good shake.

Just before fitting them hold the two connectors ends the correct way up, just as if you’re about to plug them in. Check the large location lugs on the two Burndy connectors are facing upwards - one each end, see photo.

Then shake them to relax into a natural catenary curve (the shape a string forms when hung by the two ends).


What does this do?

I dunno the technical reason, but it does work.

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De-stresses the cables.

Cables don’t like being forced or twisted into place.

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Somehow this has passed me by, which is another way of saying I haven’t done it. Looking forward to the improvement :slightly_smiling_face:

Interested to hear your thoughts on the 332 without the 300 if you have the opportunity…I don’t have rack space (or funds!) the 300 also…

If you connected the Burndy well the first time by good fortune, you may not notice one.

When I connected one time, the sound was very noticeably worse - until the shakes. And being more careful at insertion (dont you dare, @Skeptical !)

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Hi @Sinewave

See my post #79 above, if you haven’t already. In my view, the NAC 332 is a very worthy improvement on the NAC 252 even without the additional power supply.


Apologies GeoffC

So the NAC 332 stand alone better than the 252/SCDR ?

Can only use the 252 with SCDR?

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Will give it a go and see. Nothing to lose.

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A number of years ago, before I downsized to the SN2, I had a NAC 252 / SuperCap which I used with a NAP 160 (which was fully serviced by naim HQ). Before that I had NAC 82 / 2 x HiCaps with the 160 power amplifier.

My experience with those systems leads me to the view that the new NAC 332 is the most capable and musical naim preamplifier I have heard in my system, even without the new external power supply.

It is up to others to do their own demonstration and decide for themselves - my decision is made!


@nicnaim - Sorry missed that thanks :pray:t2:

@GeoffC - I replied to you in error but your views were welcome thanks.

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Has anyone heard active 350s, maybe vs active 250s (NC)?

Pick up completed this morning :+1:
First some pictures, words to follow a bit later…


Very Nice !

Looking at your profile, i take it the 555PS is now powering the NSS333 via a new cable set ?

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