The 300 Series - Just Listening Experiences

Or maybe the closer to the source, the greater the impact? That’s been my experience, albeit with different components (XPS on CDX vs Supercap on NAC 102).

Very interesting. Other commenters on here have preferred the 332/300 combination. Like you, I would imagine getting as clean a signal as possible into the amp would make more sense than a very clean amp making the most of whatever is fed into it. I haven’t heard them yet so just surmising.

Consider this as a review in progress since it’s only 7 days old.

Change wise, the sound has really fleshed out and filled in.

There were moments in the first few days were it was a bit thin and “spacey”

Right now Keb Mo’s “Come in to my Kitchen” Is just hitting so hard. The harmonica just comes in screaming hot and there is so much bite on the guitar. The drums tight and hit heavy and the organ is just hanging around in the background.

In a nutshell, it is quieter, faster with more PRaT, dynamics with better depth, space and tighter placement It’s just digs several layers deeper.

And it’s a damn fun to listen to which is the most important thing.

This is with the NC250 so not sure how it would match with the 250.2


what is the fial opinion about the biggest change between swapping the 250 with the 350 and adding the 300 to the 332 or swapping the 222 with the 332?

Yes, I intend to do my own demo with my own music (I will take my Zenith along) - it has to play Unknown Pleasures without mullering Disorder and She’s Lost Control.

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The 300 series units have been in the wild for some three weeks, and by all accounts they are still running in so it may be premature to give a final opinion. I did my comparative listening when the units were about a week old.

What struck me most with the change from 250 to 350 was a better soundstage and extra detail revealed by the 350. Putting a 300 onto the 332 increased the musicality. It really pulled me in to the music.

If you swap a 332 for a 222 you get a better pre-amp but you lose the DAC and the streamer. If you want the DAC and streamer too this is an additional box, the 333. The improvement (with the two boxes) was better all round, as we should expect. There was more detail, better dynamics and control. The sound signature also changed - deeper and a bit mellower.


Not a problem for those of us who own a Naim streamer. I think an NDX2 into the 332 is going to beat a 222 by quite a bit.


What quality of source material are you listening to? How many different sources?

NC250 beats 250.2 hands down, but it’s all comparative. If I decide to forget about upgrading and stick to my 282/250.2 I still have a very nice system.

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Thinking aloud here - is a pair of 350s on a 222/300 overkill?

From a price point of view is very well balanced.

Requires comparison to (say) 333 / 332 / whichever power amp is in budget. i.e. spending your funds on front end instead. Worth the trial!

I’d perhaps think about it this way – assuming you are happy with the SCM40s (as listed) and that these don’t give you any issues in your listening space:

1- The costs diff from NC 250 to the 350s (both new) = ~£6,600 (IIRC?), so this is your mentally allocated upgrade budget?
2- Assuming your NC250 is fine, then what could you do spending this to improve upon the 222/300, which means 333/332 = pretty much a £10k differential (at new pces) to your optimised 222.

IME, speakers always respond to better amps – only your ears can decide whether the jump is worth it.

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Looking at the actual list prices - NAP250 is £5,700, NAP350 is £12,000 - difference being £6,300.

I’ve seen the 350s quoted at £12,340? – but mainly quoted at £12k?

Hi @HappyListener , I did a quick search for NAP350 price and it shows the main dealers advertising at £12,000.

Exactly what I’m looking at, I have the 222/300 - looking at changing out nap 300DR for 350 all into Titan 606s.

Very interesting. I am fairly certain that I will get the 350s for my 606s but am unsure about streamer/preamp - keep my NDX2, 333/332 - will be interesting to hear your findings in due course.

£12,340 was cited in the HFH & RR report (Nov issue). Strange.

Perhaps they should have gone for £12,345?


Doing some rapid ‘man maths’ - by the time I’ve factored in trade in values for all my boxes (inc NC250), the cost to change to 222/300/350s is not that different to going 333/332…