The 300 Series - Just Listening Experiences

In a nutshell, my conclusion comparing the two upgrades 222/300 to 333/332 versus 250 to 350: going from 222/300 to 333/332 improved musicality the most, and going from 250 to 350 improved sound quality the most.

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I’d assumed (my bad?) that you’d keep the 300, as this can be deployed on the 333 or 332?

My brand new NAC 332 Preamplifier is here, just collected it from Audio T, Bristol. I will report my listening experiences in due course!


For streaming I have a Pulsemini/HugoTT.

The main source is an LP12/Radkial2/Keel/Karmen/PU7/Umami Blue.

And yes you still have an excellent system.

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OK. The 350 has been swapped in for the 250 and we are flying.

The system (333/332&300/350) is more satisfying than I remember it in the demo room a couple of weeks ago (these are exactly the same units) being more assured and smoother - not a rough edge in sight. Those ‘naff’ sounding FLAC tracks I mentioned before sound better with the 350 than the HiRes tracks did with the 250.

Absolutely the dog’s dangly bits. End of.

If you’ll excuse me, I have some serious listening to attend to.


Ah, 2 weeks away from getting my 350s. Good to read.


The 350’s already have a whiff of future classics about them. Only seem to hear rave reviews.


Audiobarn are doing a NC 250 vs 350 comparison for a customer today (anyone on here?) - their own comment on their FB page - “Honestly there’s no comparison, the 350s win hands down”. Quite emphatic.

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If anyone’s on FB ask them to compare 350 versus 500DR if they have one to hand

No different to the old 250 v 135s — the latter were streets ahead, so the feedback and views aren’t at all surprising IMV. With the advances Naim have made with their amps, some courtesy of the R&D from Statement, it wouldn’t be a surprise for the new 350s to be far better than the Classic 300DR.

As @Stu299 asks though, how do they sound against a 500DR, as this is the comparable of worth.

One thing which is great from this thread, is the (seeming?) realisation that much more powerful amps can produce much better sound – many people just think you get more power. You don’t, you often get far, far more.


At over twice the cost you would hope so…?


NAC 332 in position, and I’m listening… :sunglasses:


@GeoffC Very nice ! - Can I take it that the little dot at about 11:00am on the volume knob indicates the level ? (Is it clearly visible?)
Enjoy !

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Hi @Ian

Yes that is the volume level position and is easily seen, even when the lighting is set to the dimmest.

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Not in my room, it isn’t. On the dim setting the little dot completely disappears. I want to see that dot so I have to settle for medium, which means all the other lights are brighter than I would like.

This may be the biggest complaint I have about the system, although having two remote controls, each customised to its own box, isn’t as customer friendly as it could be.

It’s hard to show how light or dark it is, in a photograph, and visibility is bound to be different in different rooms depending on room light and viewing distance. In my room the system isn’t even in my field of vision as it is to the right of my listening position on the sofa.

With my sarcasm gene kicking in… I use the remote to hear and see where the volume is!

Different people, different rooms, different likes and preferences. There’s no right or wrong.

It is only one extra tap on the remote to light it up or down… !

@GeoffC - is your XPS on the CDX2 or 332?

Hi @Sinewave

The XPSDR is connected to the CDX2.2, it made a leap in playback performance when it was added. I understand it can work with the 332, but I rather keep it with my source, and plan for a dedicated NC power supply (and NC Amplifier) in the future.

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