The 300 Series - Just Listening Experiences

It must be the 250 is so good people are shocked it doesn’t outperform more expensive amps higher in the range.

I’ve found that even the New Classic NAP 250 is better than the NAP 300 DR.

Note to self: don’t listen to the NAP350


Do it!

My NC250 is barely broken in lol

Do it! :wink:

Hope everyone who bought or in process of demoing the 300 series is enjoying it so far. I’m curious if anyone has gotten the 333 yet.
Last week I had a chance to compare 300 with 333 vs 332. It also gave me a reference point on what to expect when i get the second 300 for 332. Overall impact of 300 is higher with 333, but when you connect it to 332, it opens up the vocals and bass, adds another layer of analog ease and palpability to the sound. But in comparison to 333 with 300, it doesn’t have the same level of detail and pace. In my experience, 333 is the right place to start adding the 300. Definitely significant jump to be expected after the second 300 to pair with 332. Just adding this in case if there is anyone who’s also had the curiosity.

Speaking of adding stuff, unfortunately the Fraim has not worked in my place as well as my current Zazen platforms. So I decided to pivot my upgrade plan towards 350 instead.
I’m still puzzled on how it’s possible that I’m getting more midrange resolution with Zazen, and it’s playing faster than Fraim. The only explanation i have is the building structure and material types (not concrete).

Also want to add a helpful bit: As I tested Fraim twice and had to go through ring/knuckle test at every level, I think I discovered an easier way. Not sure if it was posted before, hope this is not a duplicate.
The bevels on the corners of glass shelves are not the same, there’s a longer bevel and a shorter bevel. Longer one is the side that should be facing up (based on knuckle ring test backing up). That might just be the alternative to ring test. Hope it helps any Fraim users for moving, relocating the racks, etc. purposes.
I’ll revisit Fraim when I move to another place. I adore the looks of it, fascinated by the engineering behind it, but this building and layout just didn’t allow it to excel.


You’ve been listening to too much Judas Priest :joy:

On the 4th day of ownership, the sound of the NAC 332 is developing very nicely indeed. My feeling is that it is getting on with the job, and dealing with the challenges of different recordings in its stride.

Being at home for the majority of the last few days, I have completely forgotten my meal time schedule on three occasions due to the distraction quality of the music!

As an example, the new preamplifier is really adding to the presence of this recording and making the musical arrangements of the performances much easier to follow.

Steely Dan Alive In America / 1995 Giant / Japan CD / BVCG643


Nothing like getting a new and better preamp - it makes you want to play your entire music collection from scratch. :+1:


I’m finding the timing is just so much tighter and deliberate.

Every instrument is easier to follow and it shows off the interplay between the musicians much better.

It makes the music just make more sense and more enjoyable.


Following the listening experiences with interest… I strongly preferred 3xNC250s Active, both with a S-NAXO/Supercap and Exposure Crossover, to one 500DR passive on a dem (driving 808s) through an S1 pre, using ND555 and 2x555PS DRs. I have not read of many other experiences of listening to this combination, though I realise it is not easy to organise, independent of the source/Pre employed. Now I am even more interested to know how 3 x350s compare to the 3x250s active, but it seems this is even rarer and would be a leap of faith at the moment… I have the feeling it could be mega; approaching an S1 power even?

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I don’t get your reference because I actually never listen to anything like Judas Priest. :grinning:

Nicely put @nicnaim , these are my findings too.

You should update your system in your profile, Geoff.

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Decided to continue the journey and ordered the 350. If they take a similar burn in time to the NC250, I should be able to post some observations in a few weeks.

Is that your home system?

While I didn’t test your particular case, I think my experience can still help you. There is a significant difference between 332-333/300 and 222/300. If you consider the 300 being constant, it should lead to an approximate prediction point.

Thank you for the reminder @JimDog - I have been too busy enjoying the new preamplifier! System details in my profile are now updated.

You rather mean, how 6x 350NC compare to 3x 250NC :grin: