The 300 Series - Just Listening Experiences

My 332/300 with the NC250 was lean and a bit “spacey” with detail at first but has filled in substantially. Are you using the NPX300 or is the 332 Bare?

Nice review thanks, especially regarding the 250 v 350. When you compared the NDX2 versus the 333, was that with the 332 or the SN? In my experience the NDX2 delivers much more as you up the classic pre-amp range as well.

I know you couldn’t on the 252. Not sure about the others.

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I wonder how a PS on the streamer or pre would influence the formula. I echo the same characterizations with the 222/555/250 only the presentation doesn’t come off as too lean and the extra detail is quite musical and discernible though likely not as dynamic/big as with the 300s.

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Bare. I chose my budget and determined a figure I would not go beyond. To this end, I refused to consider a PSU on either the 333 or 332.

To me, the whole notion of redundancy does not sit easy with me. Naim go to great lengths to develop a great power supply within the units. By adding a PSU you are bypassing a substantial amount of the product - 50% maybe? This means paying for half of a product that you will not use and then pay substantially more to replace that functionality.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not denying that a PSU could squeeze out a wee bit more quality but the main four boxes do a fine job for me.


Not necessarily so. I imagine that I could have spent a fortune on a 252, PSUs, 300DR with its associated PSU etc. and not got a significantly different performance.

It is possible to spend a lot and not gain very much. In this case yes, £8.5k of electronics is comfortably beaten by £28k.

I started off comparing NDX2 and 333 into SN3. The 333 performance was considerably ahead of the NDX2 even into the SN3. Adding the 332/350 brought it to life. Yes, the 332/350 would have brought an improvement to the NDX2 as well but the 333 was just so far ahead in my view that it was not worth considering anymore tests with the NDX2.


But you haven’t tried…I can assure you a 252/300 DR amplifier would have given you significantly more than a SN3 with your NDX2.

With current SH prices you’d have saved a lot over the new 300 series.

No worries, your money, your choice. In your position I can understand wanting the new kid on the block over the old stuff. But both 300 series or 252/300 will be a significant improvement over your current amplification.


Hi @Buryfc , I don’t doubt you for one moment. It is not just a case of the new kid on the block - it is a different sound signature that appeals to me.

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No, I meant 3x350s as you buy only 3 of them, though they come as 6 boxes…

As good as it is. The NDX2 has limitations. It needs a XPSDR with a 282 and a 555PSDR with a 252. I know I used to have one.

Haven’t heard the NSS333 so can’t weigh in on that.


Waited a few days before posting. 350s in place of 300 (non-DR). Really is a night and day comparison. Reminded me of the difference when I changed from 52 to 552. Separation, clarity, definition, spaciousness, not feeling forced or harsh or limited. As has been noted elsewhere with the 300 series, wider and deeper soundstage, lower noise floor, “as if a veil has been removed”. (Anticipating further questions - I have never heard a 500 so cannot compare).


Following this treat with attention. For me all is about SQ. I know the superior functionality of the NS333 compared to the NDS, though not a problem, I have it roonified with a little box. Does it sound better than the NDS/555DR? That would be the deciding factor for upgrading my current system: NDS/555DR-252/SCDR-300DR-Sopra 2. I am in the fence if I should change to the new 333.

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If you enjoy your current system then perhaps you don’t need to consider the 333. From my listening experiences with the 300 series, the components work best if all from the 300 series. The minimum is 333/332/350 plus 300 PSUs if that floats your boat.

This doesn’t mean that there can’t be improvements with other series but do you need to change or is it perhaps a case of FOMO?

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333/332/250 > 222/300/350?

I imagine so because the 333/332 combination performs the same duties as the 222. Even with the 300 I doubt that the 222 could get anywhere close. However, the 350 is significantly better than the 250.

The mixing of 200 and 300 is possible but the 300 components work a lot better together. The performance of the 250 matches the 222.

Wouldn’t you need six, given that they are monoblocks?

I have the exact same system as you except I have Sopra 1s. If it’s of interest I’m going to audition 333/332/2x350 in the next couple of weeks and will let you know how I get on.


Yes, they can be bought as singles.

Im just wondering what he’s going to do with 3 monoblocks . . . left, right, and center channel?