The 300 Series - Just Listening Experiences

L, R and



Fantastic. Please post your findings.

Wouldn’t 350 overpower the Sopra1? Because 350 power rating is 175wpc while Sopra1 is 150 watt?

Please write up something here after you try them, because that could be a combination I aim for my bedroom system.


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Had a quick blast from the NCs yesterday.

There is new naim house sound!

Going to make time for a proper listen at our normal dealers.

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That’s exactly what I have being delivered next week - 3. For Left. Right and Centre Channels.

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Of a home theatre system?

Or of a three-channel audio system?

I suppose if you were in a very large room and turned the volume right up you could blow up the Sopras, but in the average domestic room you’d go deaf before the speakers gave up. Also (see another thread) over driving underpowered amps can result in clipping damage to speakers.

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I m sure that 350 will works better than 250 but I m not convinced that 250 could be a limiting factor for 333 or 332. The 350 it will be simply better


agree, I think 250 could be a limiting factor when it has to drive a speaker like Kudos Titan 808 or its caliber, but for some highly efficient speakers or bookshelves shouldn’t be a problem

Multi use system… (don’t worry, I never listen to music in anything other than two channel). Just want matched Amps across the front 3 channels as I have Neat Ultimatums all around the room.

The next but will probably be a new 250 for the surrounds. Excessive, I know.

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It shouldn’t be, according to Naim’s Jason Gould;


I didn’t audition it but I feel exactly the same. In my opinion 250 is more than enough for titan or for atc 50 and for almost everything it can fit an house. Of course 350 will be better b but with every speaker because the dynamic will be superior and low end more present

So now we have to go down to definitions better vs limitted. It is almost impossible to know if another component will work better on a given system. You have to try it.

Only after I posted this in the 300 Series dealer thread… did I notice the post count! :upside_down_face:


Do you see the post count at the right …555/555


Listened to the 300 series today. There is quite a noticeable difference in sound character between Classic and New Classic. NC sounds tighter, cleaner and with more control but I miss a bit of OC’s musicality and warmth. A bit unexpected actually.


Interesting at home my 332/300/250.3 set-up sounds lusher and warmer than the 252DR/250DR it replaced. I wonder if it’s because I’m not using a Naim source? It’s through a LP12 and Innuos/HugoTT

I confess I just bought it and didn’t demo it at the store.

Well I can say the 222/555/250 is warmer and lusher than any of the previous OC kit I’ve owned or demoed. I wonder if the lower noise floor gives some the appearance of a lack of warmth? I haven’t listened to the 300 series so maybe it’s different than the 200 series. The separation and definition of low frequencies is remarkable and contributes so much more to the presentation. And with none of the fatigue I got from the OC kit.


Interesting. What speakers were used for the demo?