The 300 Series - Just Listening Experiences

This is the comparison I’m interested in. If the 333/332 are as good as I expect them to be it’d be pretty easy to swap my 222/555DR out for the upgrade. So many three and four box options to chose from now!

That will be revealed in my review! :sunglasses:


Titan 606s work fine with my classic 250DR. I’d expect the NC250 to be even better.


Great to hear @AlanJ and while I also expect the 250 to sound great with the titans I wonder what extra the 350s would bring. I expect the 350s to be much better but my 606s may not be able to show the differences too much (here’s hoping! :crossed_fingers:) If the 606s do show the 350s to be much better then I will have to spend even more than I want to!

@AlanJ , how do you find the 250DR at whisper quiet volume?

Try Kashmir, marcin, also great bass to test it.
Jeff beck, goodbye pork pie hat, is also a good track to see how it goes.
Lastly, Anerre Askvik, and liberty, this is great for voice control, quite secions that should be deadly quite, plus it has some lovely saxophone.

Just remembered this track, this will also test the bass. Hinkstep, a little tree.
This track will certainly test your system, fast, very deep bass and lots going on. If you find it hard to follow and pin point all the action then thing’s are quite right. But with speaker’s that go down to 20 hz then it will shake you.

Turn it up and enjoy


They’re ok I guess, though to be honest I never listen
at whispering volumes. If that’s important then a 300 series might well suit your purposes better.

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Keep thinking off good tracks to use now, but this is the last one.
Haai, and Channels, this is a bit off a mental track, it has bass that will hit you so fast, and hard at times, then other bits off completely nothing for a second, very wide sounding and lot’s off details along the way.
But be careful at volume with the bass hit.


Try Scorching Bay John Metcalfe … beautiful intelgent melodies well crafted…pretty good bass at times too…nice glass of wine let it wash over you…

These two tracks will show you where your money went.


So the more powerful 350s should sound better than the 250 at low volumes?

I do enjoy listening at more realistic levels but sometimes (late at night) very quiet is the only option. It’s nice to have a system capable at all levels.

Nowhere or down the drain I always wonder why people seem to be totally unable to write basic track information!

Try Plaistow Patricia Ian Dury…really loud…double dare…it has to be loud…

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Or the same track sang by Shane MacGowan on the tribute album featuring various artists performing tracks from the new boots and panties album.

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No need to wonder, Claus, I do it b/c I can and to communicate the exact track to which I’m referring. Cheer up.

Bass? Has everyone forgotten Tom Waits and long way home?

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Good call.

What a great track, really letting my Spatials show off their bass prowess!

This track has a wonderful deep fat bass guitar underpinning it.

Bit of Boz Scaggs - Thanks to You
Always very near the top of my demo tracks for new kit!