The 300 Series - Just Listening Experiences

I’ve always used Red = Right, Black = Left.

Please inform @Marty_SF.

Green CH1 = Left
Red CH2 = Right

I have the NC 250 so it doesn’t have that reverse terminal thing :slight_smile: I read somewhere that it was for reducing eddy current between connection points.
But my suspicion is related to your point, it may be that the DIN connection between 333 and 332 might be the older spec and it might be causing it. I just don’t know if DIN cable carries channel signal, my logic tells me it does.

Thanks @GeoffC. Looks like we’re using a slightly different connection, I’m using the NC 250. I was able to rule out the XLR part: I tried both combinations on XLR pair between 250 and 332, no changes. My suspicion is on the DIN connection between the 333 and 332.
At this point, I’ll seek @Richard.Dane to weigh in, or maybe Steve @110dB knows why this is happening. Maybe it’s by design.

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The NC250 speaker terminals are the opposite of the 250DR. So when the NC250 is between the speakers the cables don’t cross over each other like the 250DR

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Hi Rafael, just confirming that there’s no difference, I tried red XLR as left (black for right) and vice versa. It’s still the case that the balance knob (dot on volume goes the other way).

Correct, no issue there.

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I’m cautious to write in detail without the burn in but I’ll add some initial observations in a few.

As the Sopra 2s are the only speakers I have heard with the 300 series, that is impossible to answer. What I can say is that I have heard the Sopra 2s sound worse on the end of black box classic systems when they sounded a tad relentless. I can also say I have never heard the Sopra 2s sound better than with the 300 system.

Would the NC 300 system sound better with, for example, Kudos Titans, possibly, but who knows until they are tested together.

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Difficult to say really without getting hands on here.

Are you sure the speaker channels are correctly connected?

Beyond that it’s probably something to get the dealer involved with.

I had only a few hours of burn in so far, so it’s far from a review but just initial impressions.
First to note is my burn in experience with NC200 series, 250/222/300 was a long one.
I should also mention I have a new power cable going to 332, so that’s part of burn in.

Plus the compromise of having to put 300 on the floor on top of a Zazen platform.

Setup is 300 is powering 333, 332 is going direct to power conditioner. I chose to start with this combo, once everything burns in, I might try the 332-300 pair.
Having said all that, first thing I’ll say is 332/333 made me realize how capable NC250 is, what an amp!
I’m hearing similar improvements as @NigelB and @GeoffC wrote. Music is coming from a quieter background, allowing more details to surface in a musical way. There’s more spatial information and it’s more precise, both for instruments and vocals. 222/300 was never blurry but 333/332/300 is on another level on this aspect. PRat is relentless and bass resolution is better.
Happy to provide more details in a couple of weeks when it all settles.


I agree, I need a witness for this thing :slight_smile:
I didn’t change the speaker channels from the previous 222 set up, XLR pair is correctly plugged, and between 332 and 333, I’m using the DIN cable that came in with the 333.
I’ll check with my dealer too but hoping the forum might help.

Did you do the stairway to heaven check?

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I just did it now, intro guitar is on the left.
Mystery continues :slight_smile:


You must surely have either the speaker leads or the XLRs the wrong way round. Can you not just swap channels on one or the other?

Holding the remote the wrong way round?
Sounds ridiculous but it has been known!

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If I swap channels, it’ll be the same thing on the opposite direction. I was thinking the same until @Paul52135 suggested the Stairway to heaven test. I’ll post some photos of the back in response to Richard.

Nigel that track is on the playlist I use to audition hardware . . . I great track to hear some bass.

@Richard.Dane , maybe this can help. First 2 photos are the back of NC250, speaker cables are not changed from 222 setup which had the balance working in the normal/intuitive directions.
Second photo is the back of 333, XLR pair is channel matched.
Third photo is balance all the way to left on 333, only right speaker plays in this position. Same for the other direction.

I’m wondering if the green preamps i.e. 252, 552 move the balance this way too.
If that’s the case, 332 has no issue of going in reverse balance direction, 222 was just an exception.

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