The amp that resides besides my SN3

I usually listens to my SN3, that I have for nearly 2 years now.
I really like the ”juicy” good sound it produces.
But beside it I keep one of my other amps.
The Mission Cyrus Two.
It is fully recapped by me a year or two ago.
It kind of sounds similar to the SN3…
Very fluid and natural.
Not as powerful and not so resolved in the details as the SN3, but very pleasant if listened not to loud.
I have had it since new. A little gem.
So, sometimes the turn places, and I use Cyrus for a while and enyois it.
And when switched back, I appreciate the Naim.
The small form factor of the Cyrus is very sympathetic too. A fantastic little amp.

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Many years ago I had a Mission 778 Cambridge predecessor to Cyrus
Added the PSX and my mate still uses it. :+1:t2:
How long ago. :scream:
SN3 lives here now. :heart_eyes:


I would like to listen how s PSX performs.
Before I thought they were too expensive, and now they are rare too.

The one that I had was the first of prototype for the 778 Cambridge.
The Cyrus as it was marketed was for the Cyrus 2 and it had to have mods done inside to use it
“ remove fuses etc”
The 778 didn’t require any mods and both could be switched on at the same time.”no point or advantage other than lights up “
The 778 always ran hot but when I added the PSX it ran cool and with more weight.
The 778 was steel cased but the PSX was plastic cased so a very heavy chassis in a flimsy box. :scream:

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The Cyrus 2 always has the phono section on, even if power switch is off, which I don’t like.
The voltage regulators get pretty hot.
I have set quiscent current as per manual, so it gets lukewarm during playing.
I also disassembled the switches and cleaned/polished them. That did much.

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Wow I had a Cyrus 2 and psx from around umm maybe 1989 to 1999 (replaced by Naim 102/180/napsc). Originally started with a Nad 3020, then got a Cyrus 1 and then the 2 to which I added the psx a while later


It’s great stuff built to last I sold them and the tuner to my mate 36 years ago and he still uses them with a Linn Axis Akito K9 and a pair of Monitor Audio Standmounts.
I went through some multi box systems then realised that less is more.
Klimax Lp12 Supernait 3 CD5si CDP and Kudos X3 speakers.
The Mission stuff must be 40yo now. :thinking:

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The smoothing caps to the phono section went bad after 3-4 years and created a hum. Lived with that for a while, but them resigned.
So I bought a Marantz PM66KI instead.
Oh, what a distinct upper treble it gave.
I had it for about 10 years, then I got a Lyngdorf SDAI2175 integrated.
Much more power! Detailed and smooth.
The build is really solid and nice.
Used it for 15 years and got the Naim.
Now I am a happy Naimer…
The Marantz and Cyrus are fully restored and both sound excellent now.


The Cyrus 2 is a Bi-Polar design but the 778 is a Mosfet.
Still singing. :+1:t2:


I bought a Cyrus 2 + PSX in the late '90s from a used dealer. It looked like nos and never been used. It had a toggle power switch and probably the last version. When I agreed to pay the asking price (approx. 60% new) the dealer seems rather reluctant to part with it and needed a smoke.

One of the best amps I’ve been fortunate enough to own and use. Lots of power and dynamics to the sound. To my ears, it went louder than a ONIX OA21s+SOAP letdown only by a not so refine high frequency. The PSX made a bigger difference to the Cyrus 2 than the SOAP is to the ONIX OA21S.

The SN3 has more depth/heft to the sound but the highs are not so open/spacious. But I could be wrong due to different speakers and room layout.

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When I think of all the different equipment going back many many years it makes me think of the circumstances and events surrounding that stuff, lots of memories.


The SN3 is clearly the better amp.
The Cyrus is more edgy , but maybe a bit airier.

I bought a Cyrus 2 in 1995 (?). One of the last I think, with black casing and modern graphics.

I was an incredibly fast and engaging sounding amp, and it still leaves a lasting impression after 30 years or so. Wish I had not later chopped it in for a MF amp that really didn’t float my boat longer term.

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I had a Cyrus 1 for a few years until a short while ago when I sold it on eBay. Had it serviced but it was never anything special. This was the final revision 7 with toggle switch and full metal casework.
Don’t get me started on the Cyrus 3. I have a broken one that is no longer supported by Cyrus. Someday I should break it for parts and flog it.
The brand new Cyrus i9 XR integrated is pretty good though!

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Yes, the SN3 is the better amp. I paired the Cyrus 2/PSX with the epos14, so the treble stood out quite a bit. However, with a set of mission 780se, it gave a very satisfying, energetic but less edgy/airy combination.

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