The benefit of hindsight (no problems: just a tale)

I’ve had a Nova since they first came out—driving in-wall B&W speakers in the living room and feeding on classical music rips and downloads from a Roon Nucleus: glorious music. Since the Nova arrived (and the in-wall speakers were fitted during a refurbishment) I’ve had a pair of old Proac 1.5 Reponse speakers stored in a spare room. For a long time I’ve used a first generation Mu-so for music in my bedroom.

I dithered for a long time about replacing the Mu-so with the second generation model…then…suddenly…inspiration! Proac speakers out of the cupboard (it was quite a big cupboard), Atom acquired during an offer period before Christmas, Mu-so out, Atom in: result—happiness, Roon in bedroom, more glorious music. Why ever didn’t I do that before?

Sorry to take your time with this nonsense but I am a happy bunny! :grin:

Happy new year to this civilised community.



Yes, and they were generous offers on the Atom

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You could of course have used Roon in the bedroom via Airplay on your old Muso, but it’s a great excuse for an upgrade!

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