The Best πŸ‘Œ

Those could have been aeroplane propeller blades from about a century ago!


I have 4 of them, different styles, and they last for life. One of mine bought in 1986 and still looks good, I wear it every winter, except when traveling to NYC because the sleeves are not warm enough for the brutal NYC winter.


Even more wired is that using our mouth/breath, we can either blow over a bowl of soup (say) to cool it, or blow into our cupped hands to warm them.


Suitable for dispatching insane megalomaniacs.


I once sat next to this megalomaniac and his wife at the bar in a Japanese restaurant in the East Village in NYC. They seem nice !!!


Yeah, rabbits have a very high opinion of themselves :wink:


No - it’s the pheasants. The pheasants are always revolting.


Barbour jackets are great. I have had quite a few over the years. But applying the wax, using a hair dryer, is a major pain! I actually like their waistcoats best, as the sleeves on the jackets can feel very bulky.


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99% certain, the best Bond outing of the recent age.

If I recall correctly , when he pulled the covers off the Aston Martin the audience cheered

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Exactly the same thing happened when I saw it - and I suspect that we were in different cinemas!

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Very probably, by the way Das Rheingold is being streamed to cinemas tomorrow evening and I have booked an afternoon showing on the 24th .

It is being shown without a break.

Reverting to James Bond, I saw the last outing in Malta and halfway through the film , the lights went up and there was a ten minute comfort break.

Something that should happen far more often

I can’t bring to mind what the latest James Bind film is. I have to confess that I am getting lazy these days, and usually just wait for films to appear on my Sky box.

I hope that you enjoy the Wagner. I now have all the latest LP remasterings of the Decca Solti β€˜Ring’, and have formed a rather crazy idea of listening to them all, from start to finish, on Christmas Day!

The Barbour β€˜skyfall’ jacket is the β€˜Beacon Sports jacket’ around Β£300


Barbour are good jackets. But for the real thing, prefer Belstaff.


We bought ceiling fans for the bedrooms years ago in the Uk. Great in summer to get that breeze.

Only joking, they are average!!


I will be sending this to an avid Man Utd fan (she’s even seen a match at Old Trafford) with a comment on Sir Alex and the proven flatulence brought on by baked beans

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Literally squeaky bum time!

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