We, like may others, have been concerned with our energy consumption, and have gone as far as keeping weekly meter readings for several years (no, no smart meter here) and having been prompted by Mrs Fergch (after getting the latest letter about rates now the cap has changed again) I eventually had to reveal the Naim HiFi, which the TV plays through, as well as the record player and a CD player, was left switched on all the time. The questioning was something like “…well you never play records or CD’s these days, why does the hifi have to be on anyway, and why not use the TV sound…” I also faced questioning about the various computers in the house. I have established that the TV sound from the set only is just not bearably (”…what do you mean, you’re deaf…”), but it has been harder to justify the Naim Amps running all the time.
Now I have been persuaded that we must have a more economical hifi system, and last week I switched off the Naim NAC 62, NAP 140 and HICAP and replaced with a Bantam One amplifier from Temple Audio that I have had for a few years to use with the computer sound. Yes, it does not sound the same as the Naim, but since the TV sound is poor anyway, and sound tracks to programs poorly mixed, and speech is mostly mumbled or garbled the change to the Bantam One is quite acceptable…to my deaf ears. Maybe the Bantam One is very good anyway.
Monday is Meter Reading Day and our electric meter reading this morning is one third less compared to last week. The sound system change over was last Wednesday and Thursday so this does not a full week yet. (Last week 105, previous week 175 kWh.)
Does the switch off now lead to a sell off?