The meter is modern digital, so I guess reliable. The old spinning dial electric meter and the gas meter were it original fittings put in when the house was built in the 1930’s according to date codes in the instruments, and before anyone asks, the gasmeter has been replaced with another perhaps 10 years ago.
It was the dogwalkers in the park, and the subsequent comparison of electric energy bills that prompted this episode of self examination…
How could we be using so much electricity?
No Naim/Rega fried eggs here…
I was not getting on anyone’s case here about any moral duty.
I was suggesting how unfair the energy market system is in the UK, where next door neighbors may pay different costs for their energy, and that such a basic need for society to function, it seems that folk should all pay the same. This system in the UK particularly penalises poorer folk who may not have the means to constantly switch energy suppliers. I was suggesting that basic essential services for folk to function in society should pay the same costs, energy and water for example, and I would add that these costs should be affordable for the poorest folk. Maybe I miss led you with the example I gave for luxury items, I was trying to show that a nice hifi (as I have) is not essential for basic living needs for folk in society.
I was not referring to any moral duty about energy use for a household…
I was referring to a moral duty that may be expected from the energy supply market to deliver a fair service for all folk, much as has been discussed here regarding the water industry, where company policy may be questionable, also discussed here previously.
The high figure is consistent over weeks, and is higher in the winter months!!
The lower week will be confirmed on Monday when we take the next reading.
If you were not lucky enough to have the boiler in the garage, you could always use a 180w tube heater to keep the chill away!!
Here there is no tumble dryer, no solar (house roof faces wrong ways), no heat pump systems, 30 year boiler on the kitchen wall, hardly any insulation, and today a water leak further along in the road…I am such a looser…