The Big Switch Save Energy

Your figures seem much more reasonable.
I am using excel (badly it seems) and the formulae in the cells are as follows




which is


and if I take out the 105


I must be missing something here, and would like some advice please.

Your figures look more reasonable as it is odd that reducing the total by 105 makes such a large change in the average.
Does excel do something I am missing?


of course now revised excel cells match your figures…

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Mine is £ sterling this year so far. :thinking:


Obviously a low load but water, refrigeration, lighting, Naim, TV with Le Tour, Internet. Hob and oven.

The major difference is the use of smart timers.

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Well something is going on here, but it is not tumble drier - do not have one, washing machine is the same once a week load for us so no change, fridge freezer on as usual, and no electric cooker or dishwasher here…

With the use of the advised wattmeter plugs, and some more excel spread sheets (but I clearly have to find some tutorials) maybe I will find out what it is that is going on here.


FWIW our average consumption over the year May 23-May24 was 118 kWh per week. That is all energy usage other than hot water and space heating, and with two 30-something sons on their computers every waling non-working hour!


Here is our consumption, about 65kWh per week. We have gas central heating and hob; the oven and everything else is electric. We were in France for much of September, which is why it’s so low.

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The advantage of a smart meter is it will (hopefully) show you a bar chart of hourly consumption. This allows you to see what’s going on.

A few years ago I noticed the gas usage was peaking for no apparent reason. I then noticed the meter was recording high gas consumption in the early hours, when no gas was being used. Even when I closed the mains gas valve, the meter was still recording gas consumption.
Gas engineer came along, tested the meter, and confirmed it was faulty, clocking up gas usage when gas valve closed. I received compensation which was a lot more than I calculated they owed me.

I’d suggest complaining to your electric supplier that the meter is faulty, because electric consumption randomly fluctuates for no reason.

Presumably, you’ll get a new meter and possibly a huge refund, if existing meter is faulty.

We use electricity for everything except space heating and hot water, we only use 2800KWh per year.

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I find the IHD (in house displays) set to live Power Usage, particularly useful in first determining what your house uses at rest. I.e. in the evening when no heating is on, and just watching telly. For example mine is around 250-320Watts. Once you have a feel for that, you can keep an eye on it throughout the day, and see when it jumps, and that may also be a way to help understand what the culprit is here. Do you have one of these, and have you found it any use?

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83 kWh last week according to my clamp type monitor.

We have a heat pump tumble dryer, no washing line. :slightly_smiling_face:

Also garage lighting, 3HP air compressor, two battery conditioners for car and bike. Three CCTV cameras and DVR.
Carcoon which also includes a battery conditioner.

All lighting is LED. PC is set to power down at midnight just in case I forget.

Aircon, rather than GCH, provides any heat from April onwards should it be needed. This is very cheap to run - less than a 180W heating tube :thinking::wink:

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Not got one of these…
Looks useful

So, the $64,000,000 question: have you reinstated the Naim? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Not yet, but guess I will be doing so after the week end…I want to have a full week with the current changes to get a better view of consumption, and I will look at the following week with the Naim reinstated.

The sound, even though just tv audio and even with my deaf ears, is different…
I am not going to attempt to describe the difference, apart from saying that some of the bass notes that seem to be added to tv sound tracks seem to be lighter, and this is even heard when out of the room in the hallway for example.

However I will be switching off rather than my previous habit of leaving on all night and day (which indeed has been the case since purchase in the late 1980’s apart from periods away). Hate to think what that has cost me but then with the wattmeter plugs I will have an idea…

I would have thought your energy provider would have provided this when your smart meter was installed. May be worth getting in touch with them

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I think the OP said hd doesn’t have a smart meter

The few people I know who have smart meters marvelled at the display thing they were given for a few weeks, then put it away somewhere never to look at again… In my own case I have a pretty good idea of the power of most things, otherwise out of curiosity used one of those heap meters previously mentioned. No shocks, but interesting.

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I think they have a standard modern meter with a digital display not a Smart meter.

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Presently in the UK with the weather the way it is, the heating is still coming on first thing in the morning.

We’ve got one of those Smart Meter displays, but you daren’t look at it, it’s spinning too fast.

Still, got to use the kids inheritance for something.



This thread does seem to have some big numbers. In my day it was only $64,000.



It’s inflation.

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This what I like to see fan still running in the bathroom following shower, computer on standby and Hi-Fi on plus fridge etc.

Sun just hitting solar panels.

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