The classical music thread

Checked Qobuz - is it this? Will listen, thank you.

Also found Ole Schmidt conducting Sibelius 2nd there. Will give it a try, I am listening one version of Sibelius 2nd for many days now.

That’s been on my Qobuz favourites collection for some time. The Adams concerto is very genre-bending, so possibly will have more appeal across the Atlantic (from UK). I found it fun on first hearing and must give the album another listen, soon.


The outfit on the DG cover is quite restrained for Yuja Wang. You could try Googling “Yuja Wang clothes” for a selection of outfits.


That’s a different box cover than the original Unicorn issue, which had a white cover with a picture for each of the symphonies.

I must pull it out and have a listen again, as I don’t know the music well at all.

For numbers 4 & 5 Blomstedt with the San Francisco Symphony is very good and if you fancy something more recent so is Fabio Luisi with the Danish National Symphony Orchestra.



Ms Wang has a great pair of pins, and she clearly wants the world to know it!

‘Yuja Wang clothes’ is a misnomer - ‘Yuja Wang with a few scraps of clothing’ might be more accurate.

I’m looking forward to seeing her. What my (female) guest will make of it is perhaps a rather different matter.





That Blomstedt/SF set is the one I have too, but I’ve no idea if they are still the best choice or not.

Biber : Mystery (Rosary) Sonatas - Amandine Beyer & Gli Incogniti.


Any Telemann fans here?

I broke out and deep cleaned the copy of Telemann’s Tafelmusik I’ve had for nearly 40 years. This is the 6-LP set on Telefunken with Frans Brüggen and Gustav Leonhardt with Concerto Amsterdam, et al.

I love the cover. The expression on the guy’s face is priceless, as if he’s saying, “damn, my wife is exposing her nipples at the banquet table. What do I do?” :rofl:

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The most recent release I could find on Discogs was a 6 CD compilation on Alto, from 2013. The most recent release on vinyl was an Australian club reissue in 1981. Lots of originals available second hand, though, and at reasonable prices:

This is a reissue of the original recordings from 1974. I’m sure it would be a great place to start. Here are the details:

You linked the CD reissue. If one wants the original vinyl LP (which I just purchased on Discogs yesterday), this is the correct listing

Yes, I was referring specifically to the Alto reissue which @anon79335726 found on Qobuz. I actually had that 6-record box set before I got all the individual LPs.

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I see. I am always more focused on the LP versions. I don’t even have a CD player in my system, so for me it’s either vinyl or Qobuz. :slight_smile:

Same. As far as CD goes, have an Alesis Masterlink, which does double duty for recording, and playing CDs, of which I’ve picked up a few dozen down the years. These days, casual listening is either FM or Tidal, serious listening is vinyl.

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I have a smallish (compared to my LP) collection of CDs. Many years ago I stopped buying any CDs forever and ripped them all to disc in FLAC format using some app on my Mac I forgot about. I have Roon so I can either play those rips or Qobuz on my NDX2. Roon makes it all seamless. Nevertheless, vinyl is for serious listening. The NDX2/XPSDR can’t compete with my analog front end for sound quality.

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Just ordered a NM vinyl copy from London Classical via Discogs for £15 inc P&P🙂
Thanks for the heads up JDP👍🏼

Thank you. That’s what I got from Qobuz search. I do not have LP turntable since last century and I abandoned CDs long time ago as well…

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That’s the box cover of the LPs that I have. Will aim to listen to them soon.