The classical music thread

Hello, Mr. Pedantic here :slightly_smiling_face:

The 4th Symphony was actually recorded in Wembley Town Hall :slightly_smiling_face:

I have the CDs (not LPs), will have to check!

Tchaikovsky – Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra · Evgeny Mravinsky – Symphonies Nos. 4, 5 & 6 “Pathétique” (2006, CD) - Discogs

The info. on the Discogs link above for the newer CD set (DG ‘The Originals’) shows the correct info. - 4th Wembley in September 1960, 5th and 6th Vienna in November 1960 - though the liner notes seem to suggest all three symphonies were recorded at Wembley !!!

The earlier DG fatboy (below) incorrectly states all three were recorded in Vienna !!! - hence all the confusion I think.

Quality Control doesn’t seem to be one of DG’s strengths :rofl:

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I’m currently listening to this box set of the orchestral music of Sir Granville Bantock. A contemporary of Elgar, I’d never heard of him until someone on Twitter recommended this set which is available at a bargain price. If you like the music of Elgar and Holst you’ll probably like this.


What I didn’t mention is that Analogphonic and DG Classics both reissued box sets of Mravinsky’s Tchaikovsky 4-5-6 symphonies some years ago (5 or so). I have the Analogphonic. Both sets are pressed form the same plates, which were mastered from the original tapes at Emil Berliner Studio. The Analogphonic sold out pretty quickly. The DG Classics were available a little while longer but also sold out. Now they go for silly money on the used market.

DGG seem worse than other labels for letting desirable LPs drop out of the catalogue.

But at least DG Classics has started an all-analogue reissue program inspired by the Tone Poet series. Warner Classics and others could do well to follow suit. UMG at least has figured out that people want AAA vinyl reissues, and that – when done right – sell for more than any other medium.

I think we’ll see some great stuff from the DG Classics The Original Source series.

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I agree, although I haven’t had a functioning Visa card (long story!) since that series was launched by DG Classics.

Easy music for me today

2 different books


I have a number of recordings of those, amongst the most profound works that even JS Bach conceived.

The most special is Sviatoslav Richter on (I think) RCA CDs, probably long since deleted.


The RCA CDs are still available. As are several other versions on labels I don’t recognize . . .

Have you heard Samuil Feinberg’s recording?

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No, I don’t know, or even know of, the Feinberg recordings.

Another special set of recordings that I have on CD were recorded in the 1980s for Philips by John Lewis, the pianist in the Modern Jazz Quartet. The four CDs that I have were made in Japan, and I don’t think that they ever had an official release in the UK.

Some of the pieces are John Lewis playing solo piano, in others he is augmented by string bass and other acoustic instruments.

Great stuff!

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Big fan of Lewis and MJQ. “Blues on Bach” is a favorite. I got to meet MJQ after a concert in the 1980s after they regrouped.

Feinberg is unique. If Bach had been Chopin . . . But it works. I wouldn’t want it as my only version, but it is a wonderful change of pace. The recordings were made in Russia c. 1960, so SQ is far from first rate.

I’m not sure if I can link to a music review, but you can Google for them.

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That recording was one of Richard Shahinian’s favourite demo pieces. Amazingly realistic and a huge Orchestra (6 Harps on one of the works!) that goes from whispers to screams. The music is idiosyncratic, but beautifully scored.
I have an older issue of (presumably) the same works?



Hi, yes that’s the first of the 6 CDs in the box set. It certainly does sound good and yes incredibly dynamic.

I have that but haven’t listened to it for ages. Must do something about that soon.

Hyperion and Todd Handley did great service in preserving some forgotten corners of the repertory.



Just purchased this 7LP DG box set from 1975 for the princely sum of €4 :-).


This is a very nice set. Their performance of “Death and the Maiden” is still my favorite. I paid a bit more ($25) when I got my copy in 2012. D.173 (on side 7) is also quite good. I haven’t rated the others, but probably need to revisit my set.

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Thank you for your response. After I had posted the above I found your 2019 post about the Melos’ Death and the Maiden, so I felt immediately vindicated in purchasing this set. Now playing this piece.

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I’ve just taken an expensive punt on a couple of the Original source issues just to see if the expense is justified. Fingers crossed!

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