The classical music thread

I have the Kleiber Beethoven 7 and think it’s excellent value. Silent pressing of a great recording of a great performance. As a result have the Gilels Brahms on pre-order.


Those are the 2 I’ve ordered too!

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I hope that you have C Kleiber’s Beethoven 5!

(A slightly ‘leaner’ recording from a couple of years earlier, but an unsurpassable performance.)

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Indeed. And his Dad’s (Erich)

There’s a lot of debate whether the father or son was the greater conductor.

If I could have only one, I would choose CK - not least because I was present at his only ever London concert.

Fortunately, we don’t have to choose. EK’s Decca recordings of ‘The Marriage of Figaro’ and ‘Rosenkavalier’ have never been surpassed.

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A discovery for me. Tremendous fun. The piano concerto is outstanding. Allow yourself a little more volume than normal and indulge yourself.


I see a new series of How to Play has started on BBC Radio 4. Each programme takes a particular classical work and gives musicians’ eye views of performing the piece, often focussing on a rehearsal.

This morning’s edition was about the Fauré Requiem and started with a moving anecdote from one of the basses in the chorus of the BBC National Orchestra of Wales. Whilst it can be somewhat bitty, I find this series often gives me extra insight into the pieces being played and how the musicians relate to them

It’s available on BBC Sounds and recommended,



The Hyperion catalogue now that is owned by Universal is starting to appear on Qobuz.

Currently enjoying MA Hamelin’s CPE Bach.



Asmik Grigorian sweeps the field with her superb performance of these Rachmaninov songs. Looking forward to more recordings from this wonderful singer!





Blissful home concert this evening courtesy of some charity shop LP buys.

I realise there is limited/no value in my talking about the merits of unrepeatable charity shop LP buys, but this version of Das Lied is surely available digitally and well worth seeking out if so. Christa Ludwig is superb, Fritz Wunderlich is Wunderbar and Klemperer just seemed to have everything going right with the Philharmonia/New Philharmonia in the mid 60’s. EMI captured their superlative performances wonderfully.

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Thanks for the info. I have put this in my favourites on Qobuz and also the new album of encores by Piers Lane. Will await Sir Stephen Hough, Angela Hewitt and Steven Osborne!

So good to see Hyperion on streaming services. Appearing on Tidal too.

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they must have read your post hough hewitt and osborne are already there also my favorite album of all time - hildergard by gothic voices

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That’s good. I had a look yesterday for Stephen Hough when the Hyperion news was announced but they weren’t up then.

I gather that the catalogue is being released in tranches and will be completed in early 2024.

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Nobody plays the slow movement of Chopin’s 3rd sonata like Pires!



It’s great to see the Hyperion catalogue gradually appear on streaming services. Thanks for the heads up!

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Pires is superb in Chopin. I strongly recommend her set of the nocturnes.



Pires’ recording of the nocturnes is a classic; her 2009 Chopin has its moments (the cello sonata is the highlight of the doubler I posted this morning) and of course it is all very good, but it doesn’t quite capture the imagination of the nocturnes of a few years earlier.


Last year I purchased a download of Pires complete solo recordings on DG. Probably my best investment that year.