The classical music thread

I am enjoying this one tremendously.–nino-gvetadze-plays-debussy
This pianist does have her own take on these.

I also enjoyed this recording which wasn’t only recorded on the composer’s own piano, but actually in his Swiss villa too.

On vinyl - charity warehouse today. £1 each.


Husband and wife team in the Mahler - Rafael Kubelik and Elsie Morison were married.

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Liszt’s third Année de Pèlerinage is a far more contemplative set then the first two years, and this record by Cédric Tiberghien works very well as a standalone album. Tiberghien’s performance is excellent, aided by a superb instrument and recording.




Rana’s richly ornamented, authentic and faithful Goldbergs are a must-hear, one of my desert island discs.



Seen a few mentions of Schubert recently, so put on a favourite classical LP - nice on a Sunday morning !


I love Brendel’s Schubert. I have the 8-LP set Schubert: Piano Works, 1822-1828 on Philips from the mid-70s. This is a great set and still readily available used.


Just listening to the high res remaster of Britten’s own recording of his War Requiem released last Friday. It sounds very good to me although I haven’t got it onto my Naim system yet as Qobuz doesn’t seem to have it yet. Also fascinating is the recording of Britten rehearsing the performers for the recording. There’s about 40 mins of that.

Decca have done the same remastering from the original Culshaw tapes that they recently did with the Ring. I haven’t listened to this music for 50 years about. It’s sad that with all that is going on in Ukraine and Gaza it’s more relevant than for many years.


Listening to this Haitink Bruckner No. 8 on BR Klassik. Beautiful! Very relaxed interpretation, I think. Easy on the ears. Nice imaging of the orchestra. All around worth a listen!


I have Haitink’s earlier analog recording on Philips. It’s pretty good, but I still turn to my box set of Jochum/Dresden on EMI when I want to play a Bruckner symphony. I have the Karajan cycle too, but since I acquired the Jochum some years ago that doesn’t get played anymore either.

I’ll have to give the Jochum a listen. Thus far I am only familiar with the Haitink RCO and Karajan Vienna recordings. I prefer the Haitink RCO to the Karajan Vienna, except for those glorious Vienna Horns!

The Karajan I referred to is the Berliner on DG from the mid-70s to early-80s (Nos 1-3 are digitally recorded and not as spacious as 4-9).

You got me thinking about Haitink, so I found a used 12-LP box set of the Philips 0-9 cycle with Concertgebouw and bought it. I look forward to binging. :slight_smile:

I should have clarified, as I know I have heard Bruckner 5, 7 and 8 with Karajan and Vienna. I have no idea whether he did a whole cycle with them like with Berlin, apparently. I am a relatively new listener to Bruckner, having mostly listened to 7 and 8 for years without listening to the others.

#4 “Romatic” is considered one of the warhorses. You should listen to that. It’s quite good. I would have said it’s one of my favorites except that I over-played in in the past.

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My all time Bruckner fave is the 9th Symphony. Bar none . ( when it’s done right )

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No, Karajan recorded the complete Bruckner (for DG) in the 1980s (or thereabouts).

After he had his terminal falling out with the Berliners (over the appointment of a female wind player, Sabine Mayer), he re-recorded some of the later Bruckner symphonies in Vienna.

Ok. Those Vienna symphonies are the ones I have in my library. Thanks for clarifying.

I was just looking at that. The first three Karajan/Berliner DG Bruckner symphonies were digitally recorded in 1982. The rest were all recorded analog 1976-1980. I was wondering if any of the 70s recordings might be candidates for DG’s The Original Source series (i.e. were they recorded on 1/2" four-track tape)?

I’m sorry, I don’t have those records, so I can’t check.