The classical music thread

I’m not sure what you mean to check for. I have the complete box set and checked. The dates are as I posted.

Unless Graham means he can’t check if they were recorded on on half-inch four track… though how one would know from the record covers…

Exactly that, thanks!

Do the cover notes specify the recording tape used, then? I’ve never noticed.

Not that I have ever seen, even on ‘supercuts’ such as Mobile Fidelity.

Yeah, it doesn’t say anything about the tapes. Not everything DG recorded in the 70s was to 4-track, but I’ll bet at least some of those Bruckners were.

I’m confused then as to what needed checking, unless it was dates.

Whether they were recorded on four-track tape. They can’t be released on DG’s new ‘super’ analogue Original Masters series, unless the master tapes were four-track.

For example, the Gilels/Amadeus recording of Schubert’s ‘Trout’ Quintet was originally coupled with Schubert’s otherworldly Quartettsatz. That has been left off the recent Original Masters re-release, as it was not recorded on four-track tape.

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Some of the recent DG Classics box set reissues (like the Bernstein Beethoven cycle, and others) have included facsimiles of the recording notes, but I have never seen any notes contained with 60-80s OGs from DG about the recordings, tape or microphone setup used.

So the info about whether or not the Bruckner analog versions by Karajan/Berliner were on 4-track or not would have to be sourced elsewhere, and might not be publicly available (I haven’t looked).

The Karajan/Berliner Bruckners are quite good. If any were recorded on 4-track I would like to see something from them reissued in the new series. The Mahler 5 – for example – sounds great.

The Carlos Kleiber/Vienna PO Beethoven Seventh has a facsimile of the note giving details of the recording.

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All of them in the series have that. It’s a nice touch.

Latest haul from Oxfam this morning!


Someone’s into their piano music!

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Great Kocsis discs :smile:

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I have both of those vinyl albums pictures. They are great. Good choices.

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Yes indeed. I do have a lot of solo and concerto piano music!

Thanks. I don’t have these pieces on vinyl, I am looking forward to hearing them!

Thanks yes, I also have the Rachmaninov second piano sonata disc with Kocsis.

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I got a couple of new recordings today: Milstein/Steinberg/Pittburgh on Capitol Records. These are Cisco stereo remasters of recordings from '57/'59.

I’m playing the Dvorak/Glazunov now. Very nice so far.


Isn’t that weird? Before I opened this thread I had just put on an LP of Milstein playing the Tchaikovsky Concerto in his later recording from 1973 with Claudio Abbado and the Vienna Phil.