The classical music thread

Whats wrong with the Barenboim set ,first rate in my humble opinion.Schubert Unfinished and the great with Jordi Saval on sacd, impresive and the sound is superb.

I came across this while browsing the Hyperion website - Its a download only

Not a composer I knew about, but I’m a big fan of British string music. This is not on Qobuz, so I just listned to the short previews, and then bought the Studio Master version. Its a very pleasant listen.
I see that Presto have it available to stream


Browsing Presto’s recent Harmonia Mundi promotion, I came across this album of oboe concertos.

I knew of the existence of the VW concerto, but was not very familiar with the music. It’s a lovely piece, roughly contemporary with the 5th symphony, beautifully played by Nicholas Daniel. I was completely unaware of the MacMillan, but that proved a great discovery. The slow movement, in particular, is extremely moving. The other pieces are also well worth hearing and the recording is excellent.

Just occasionally an impulse purchase proves to really hit the spot and this has become a favourite after just a couple of plays.



This remains an exceptional recording of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, which I probably wouldn’t know about had this not come out right when I started collecting classical music. I’ve heard a million different recordings since, some really good as well, but I still love and play this one often.



I came across this Haitink/KCO box set and could not resist. Whilst it says studio recordings, a couple of live recordings are included as well. Lots of recordings I had not heard before, Beethoven and Brahms pianoconcerto’s with Claudio Arrau to new just a a few…


I have that in the Orpheus box. Need to give it a second listen.

I have many Haitink/Concertgebouw LPs on Philips. I just love them. He is one of my favorites from the analog LP era. His Debussy orchestral works are sublime. And Philips recorded/mastered him so much better than DG did for Karajan/Berliner (although Karajan caused his own problems in that regard).


His Debussy is great!


Every time someone convinces me to get some other Debussy I listen to it once, and come back to Haitink. :slight_smile:


The Haitink Debussy recordings were famous in their day, and garnered high praise from ‘Gramophone’ magazine (and, I think, 'Record Of The Year status in some cases).


For good reason. Those are some of the favorite LPs of orchestral music in my collection, and I still listen to them several times every year. His versions of Nocturnes and Preludes a “L’après-midi d’un faune” have yet to be approached by anything else I have in my collection.


Better than this JDP?


The Abbado is really quite good, and the remaster sounds excellent, but I still like the Haitink performance better and it’s what I reach for when I want to hear Trois Nocturnes.

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Thank you all. Definitely some recordings I plan to check out.

If you love English string music, I assume you are familiar with Finzi’s Eclogue for Piano and Strings? I am always moved by Finzi’s music, and the way he spins out seemingly endless melodies.


I have a recording of the clarinet concerto. I also worked on his 5 Bagatelles when I was studying clarinet.




This is a post for young people only. Anyone older than 40 can’t see well enough. :slight_smile:


The original edition of Pollini’s 1987 recording of Schubert’s penultimate sonatas. A brilliant album, he played these sonatas unlike anyone else.


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Thank you for clarifying. That’s more helpful.

For some of us posting a low resolution thumbnail of an album cover with no comment at all is pointless. Maybe you have great vision, but at 65 I cannot resolve stuff like that anymore. I mean it when I said I couldn’t read that image. It’s just too small.

Edit: I lined this album up to play on Qobuz tomorrow while I work. My favorites of those sonatas are Brendel on Philips from the 70s.

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