The classical music thread


Haitink’s recording of Rheingold is characterised by a strong team of singers, headed up by Theo Adam who near the end of his career sung a noble, dangerous Alberich and James Morris as one of the last century’s greatest Wotans, and Haitink’s wonderful conducting.



Maurizio Pollini and Emil Gilels are, by some distance, the two greatest pianists whom I have been lucky enough to see in concert - Gilels just the once, but Pollini a number of times.

Of the current crop of players, I was very impressed by Yuja Wang, whom I saw at last year’s Brighton Festival. Once you get past the short dresses and six-inch heels, you can see that she is a brilliant pianist.

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I’m sure many have tried, Graham…


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I would be at the head of the queue, if she fancied 68 year-olds!

Sadly for us all, the young lady is married - or so I believe - to the conductor with whom she often performs, Klaus Mäkela.

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Poor Maurizio Pollini shoved aside for a younger plaything… shame on you, lads!


Ingrid Fliter’s Chopin is interventionist, going a bit too far in the Nocturnes I think, but her Preludes are excellent.


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Haitink was also a fabulous Ravel interpreter. This is a great set of his Philips recordings. The 1973 recording here of “Rhapsodie Espagnole” is my single favourite piece of classical music ever. The orchestral version of “Alborada del gracioso” is definitive for me as well.


I’m embarrassed to say I don’t think I have any Ravel recordings with Haitink. I’ll have to remedy that.

I also like Haitink’s Bruckner and Mahler (I have the complete Philips box sets of LPs for both). They aren’t necessarily the best versions for any particular symphony, but they are just about always a very solid choice to pull off the shelf to play.

He’s one of my favorites, and Philips mostly recorded him really well. Concertgebouw was the home team after all. :slight_smile:

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For Ravel, I stick to Boulez or Ozawa.

I read that they broke up.

Considering the age difference, I suspect that this was a PR partnership…

… and Just read that they cancelled the Chicago engagement next week.

It’s only a year! I hope they do continue to work together as Dutoit and Argerich did long after their divorce.


Yuja is 37. Makela is 28.

Not exactly a huge age gap then. 'Bout the same as my wife and me (only reversed - I’m the wrinkly)

Must be difficult maintaining a marriage between two professional musicians (each travelling worldwide, playing dates, recording etc)

They were so cute together back in 1972. I read somewhere that the reason Martha walked out was Charlse having too many affairs and she got tired of his shenanigans. :laughing:

But it was so nice to see them together a few weeks ago.

Maybe Makela and Yuja might stay as good friends.

Read his birth year as '86 not '96, sorry — mathematician’s mistake!


Maybe she realised he actually wasn’t very good with his baton…


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Well, there are only 3 kinds of mathematicians. Those who can count, and those who can’t.


I think it generally is thought large when the woman is older. Rightly or wrongly.

By the way, I’m more than 9 years older than the missus :grin: