The future for NAC- N 272

Using a streaming front end (esp inferior products like Node) defeats the purpose of a streaming pre-amp. If you go that route you might as well sell the 272 and get a 282 or similar. It doesn’t take that much effort to set up Bubblesoft and you can use the Linn App to control which is pretty good. Used it for years and the hires from Qobuz/Tidal sound sublime.

I use a Meridian Explorer Mk 1 on the USB DAC output of my Zenith Mk 3, converts USB to SPDIF optical directly - if you can find one. Note the Mk 2 deleted the optical output.


That’s a fair question given the huge amount of ownership bias and opinion dressed as fact one sees online, but I spent quite a lot of time listening on several occasions before buying an NDX, so no, it’s not just speculation.

What do you mean by this?:thinking:

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Ok, thanks👍

Hi jmtennapel

Thank you very much for your detailed description and for going so enthusiastically into this topic about my NAC 272. It is very much appreciated
Do I understand you correctly that I can completely avoid these DAC boxes you have described before, and then just run with the software part from Audirvana from my Mac? So connect my 272 streamer through the Audirvana software and play my music from this program over the 272? Will the music from there be properly unpacked for true high res? Can my Streamer 272 utilize these file formats from this software? The DAC boxes you mentioned sounded like they were necessary for my purpose. Thanks in advance

This DAC box sounded a bit appealing and as one I should consider when I look at the specifications, but it sticks out a bit with the red color compared to the black Naim Setup I have :wink:

Thank you very much :slight_smile: So why all the fuss with the DAC box, which by the way goes well together with 24 bit conversion. Is it just an extra link I can do without, or will it be even better with the box and Audirvana as software? Sorry to cut things out like that, I’m getting a little confused in this hunt for 24 bit, there are so many factors at play and options. Otherwise, you come up with really nice explanations for a solution for my 272. Thank you once again, and for your patience

Thank you so much for your good explanation. Bets regards Peter

You can get hires on the 272 with bubble soft of minimserver on something as simple as a NAS. Bubblesoft is free and the SQ with Qobuz is pretty great.

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It can be a little complicated to get started if what you’re running it on is not ideal. My QNAP had ffmpeg problems that made the transcoding not function. I figured out a workaround with the help of others here. Lots of threads on the subject. In the end I just installed a container and didn’t have to do anything else ever again, it was bullet proof. Not an IT nerd but able to follow instructions. And I didn’t like Audirvana and didn’t want to use a computer in my hifi set up.

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There’s a bit of confusion around regarding what Bubble is, and what it can do. Not helped perhaps by the fact that there is a Bubble app for Android, and also BubbleUPnP Server, which runs on a variety of computing platforms including Mac, Windows, QNAP or Synology. The latter is an effective way to pick up a Tidal, Qobuz or local stream and serve it to pretty much any UPnP server. It was a useful workaround with Naim streamers in the early days of Tidal integration as it gets around the small buffering problem that plagued many people. It also allowed Qobuz integration on streamers that didn’t support it natively. That aside, the big bonus was that it seemed to improve sound quality whatever you used it for, and it even improved it for me when streaming local files from a Unitiserve.

My IT skills are pretty limited and I managed to get it running without too much trouble, so I guess it can’t be that difficult. I don’t really need it any more as I now have 2nd gen Naim streamers, but I recently fired it up again and found that it makes them sound better too. Not bad for a freebie!


Hi, may I interrupt again… I now have Audirvana on my mac and I can connect to my streamer Nac 272, through Tidal as a player. However, it seems that I can only play in 16 bit, Audirvana sees my streamer as 16 bit. I thought I could ask the program to play in 24 bit. I have been in the settings and moved parameters in the program, but could not find the right setting… My streamer is also on Upnp streaming… Does this require me to change my Tidal subscription? I don’t think so, I pay for high res, but as I said, I can only play in Hifi quality with Nac 272. Is there a soul in here who knows the setup between Audirvana and Nac 272 so I can play in 24 bit…? I’m starting to lean more and more towards a dedicated streamer box, which I’ve already been introduced to here. The streamer box is almost plug and play with a connection called digital coaxial (BNC) SPDIF, which according to the Nac 272 specs can play in 24 bit.

I have a Connect and Port (have also compared both directly to a BS Node)

The Connect sounds ‘OK’ but requires you to use the old S1 control platform - if you have other Sonos devices then you’ll be using 2 different apps. Non-starter for me.

The Port is horrible, SQ speaking. Flat, rolled-off at both the top and bottom ends, and entirely lifeless with no sparkle whatsoever. It sounds like heavy compression or DSP - which makes sense as the software approach to the speakers is similar to get a bigger sound out of a smaller box. The Finance guys at Sonos probably won that war - ‘why develop a new platform when the existing one represents 95% of revenue…’ YMMV, but…

The Node is the best sounding of the lot. Not done a direct comparison to any other kit, but against the Sonos products it’s clear that the Sonos is ‘lifestyle/casual listeners’ and the BS is more ‘music first’

Slightly off topic regarding the 272 , does it have balance control

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Yes, via the ‘Set up’ menus - you need to use the remote to configure it.

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Would I be right in thinking that you have compared the The Primare NP5 Mkii with the Holo Audio RED and iFi Zen Stream, running each into a S/PDif input on the 272, and preferred the Primare (at least after upgrading the power supply); or have I misunderstood what you are saying?

Did you find that using a 272 this way (eliminating the internal streamer) makes a difference to sound quality?

Thanks jmtennapel. Best regards Peter

A few months ago I bought a Primare NP5, after searching the forum for users views.

A few people found adding the NP5 to Naim legacy streamers improved the sound quality.

Comment below is answers your question regarding difference.

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