The Grand Cafe

Hah, another Dutchie. We look to be well represented on this forum considering our size.


Why would that worry you, with the amount cash we spent itā€™s almost expected.

However it is nice when you sit down to listen to something and realise just how good it sounds.

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Well my solar system is all installed and fired up ready to go. Luckily itā€™s been a beautiful warm autumn day so hopefully my excruciatingly high power bills will now be reduced. One thing that havenā€™t considered though is the flow of electricity from solar going to effect my Naim system. Iā€™ve read a lot on this forum about good clean power and what it does do to our black boxes.


Because I have an upgrade on orderā€¦

Clearly worried that there will be no more impetus to upgrade!

Edit: that crossed Mikeā€™s own response!

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Ha, well just imagine how much better itā€™ll sound. :grin:

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Thatā€™s what my dealer said. Though he would, wouldnā€™t he? Iā€™m sure itā€™s true. And that will be it anyway, going part time wonā€™t fund any more upgrades (also just did my end of year books and Covid has hit pretty hard it seems).

Same here Iā€™ve virtually retired any major upgrade for me now might be a little difficult. I am thinking about a pair of new Neat speakers and if it arrives the 272 upgrade.

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Iā€™m hoping my speakers will disappear :joy::joy::scream::roll_eyes:

Metaphorically speaking ?


Yes, along with a veil being lifted, inky black darkness descending and my eyes rolling back as my jaw hits the floor.

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Iā€™m also in a bit of a mental vortex about what to do with the SN2 when the 252/250 moves in. It feels too good to move onā€¦

Iā€™m just listening to a Van Morrison album, hi res file. It sounds pretty good to me.

Any news on delivery dates.

Hold it for a second system Mike

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My Nova is my second system and an old Uniti2 is my third :roll_eyes:. Currently thinking of banging it on the line output from the Uniti2 - in our garage/games room, which is next to the music room. The Nova is nice and simple for the lounge. But then I have a spare DAC, so could use that with the SN2 in the lounge using Roon and the Apple TV. And then I have a spare Nova Votetx! Expensive vortex!

You can never have enough systems ha :smiley:

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Are you sure youā€™re not Harry :rofl::rofl:

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No, my dealer has gone very quiteā€¦

But I am limited to three pairs of speakers fortunately.

Mrs Bruss isnā€™t so sure. :shushing_face: