The Grand Cafe

Stupidly I popped a beer after reconnecting only to find I’m in trouble, I’ve just started a thread and I’m thinking I might pull everything apart and do it again. I’ve reconnected it a few times and apart from the odd operator error never had any trouble.

No top that we’re about to get a thunderstorm so I might just turn it all off. Doh.

We do too we’ve watching a couple raises family in the park behind us, they take good care of their young.

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We used to have a male and a female that landed in our yard every day and I’d feed them some bird seed.
They were always funny the way they’d follow me to the garage to get the seed and then follow me back, quacking away. The ma!e would stand guard while the female ate first. Very cool.


Well, it’s been a weird, kinda sh*t week. It’s getting to be that time of life for many of us older gits. Myself and 3 friends from grade school get together every year for over 30 or 40 years now, and we’re all 66 or 67 yo. Dave & Dave and Steve & Steve.

Well one of the Steve’s died yesterday from migrating cancer that began about a year back. Very sad, cuz it sucks for his wife to suddenly be alone at this at this point. I’m quite thankful that me an’ the missus seem to be doing well so far in the health dept.
Anyhoo, we’ll miss the old goat, and now I suppose we get together as the 3 amigos instead, but we’ll definitely raise a glass to Steve each year.
Me an’ the missus raised a toast to Steve with a wee dram of Macallan double cask tonight. He would have liked that, his last name began with ‘Mc’.

The other thing that happened was we had to fire the lawyer that was handling my late mother’s estate. She was hopeless at $625 CAD an hour. We’re having all the files sent over to our estate lawyer who is a partner at a fair-sized Toronto firm and only $500 an hour.
Ya really gotta stay on top of these jokers. Jeez … some peoples kids …


I’ll give you a like for the whisky and sacking the suit, and condolences for the loss of a Steve.

Yes, these things can wake us up and refocus on living. You have a good 10 years on us, but I moved to part time work this year. Too many work colleagues gone before retirement and health scares for Miss Mike and myself, and all the Covid craziness gave us a big refocus.

Spent the last 2 days doing garden catch-up. Now having a beer and a Yello bluray before dinner.

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My condolences to you, I went through a similar experience with an old mate going a few weeks ago. Makes you think and focus on what matters most. Those closest to you and making the most of each and every day.


It’s sad losing friends and at this time in our lives it’s going to happen more often unfortunately. I’ve lost all bar one of my 2 groups of long term friends, some didn’t (or barely) get out of their teens).

You need to remember them, raise a glass from time to time and always keep them close.

Things happen that are way out of our control, Mrs Pete keeps reminding me the best way to honour them is to be the best person you can be.

Re your lawyers their a hard bunch of individuals to like as you generally only ever deal with them when things go wrong.

Take care.


@Mike_S re the toed in speakers, the reason why I’ve set them up like that is because the reviews I’ve ready recommended it. I have no idea at this point if it’s better or not and moving them on those damn spikes isn’t that easy (I’ve got a hole in my finger to prove it)

I did find my old Royds worked better with a slight toe in though.

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Yes, I think it’s very speaker specific what to do, and also the room, no doubt. It sounds like you are really enjoying the Neats, so that’s great. It was a leap of faith moving on from the Royds.

All this stuff is one leap of faith after another, from electronics to cables. Thankfully I’ve not made too many expensive mistakes.

The Neats are sounding much better since the move.

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Of my 2 pairs of Neats - the premium ones XLS’s I don’t have a toe in

The Neat Petite 30 anniversary I find best with about 10 degrees toe in

Room got a lot to do with it methinks

Might try them straighten out later after my old bones recover from yesterdays chaos. I feel like I’m 90 today

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How did the swim go? I’ve done two days of heavy gardening and my back is telling me.

Oddly enough the swim was fine but I’m paying for it now. The backs of my legs, lower back and my neck is killing me. I very rarely take any painkillers just just swallowed 2 about 20 minutes ago.


Just had a walk around the garden and after 2 days of weeding Mrs Mike has now identified another 3 days work….


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I’ve allowed for beer breaks and daily spa.


One of the advantages of Gaias on speakers is that you can move speakers without piercing your fingers or toes. Worth it for that alone never mind the sound improvement.

They come with little plates to rest the spikes but they’re only small and don’t slide. I’ll keep Gaias in mind, cheers.

Isn’t she beautiful?