The Grand Cafe

The joys of moving it appears I’m a whole archive box of CDs missing. Torn the house apart from one end to another (good Mrs Pete I’d out for the day) and still no luck. Most of my Beatle and Go Between’s CDs are missing along with others.

The only saving grace is their all stored on either my Core or old UnitiServe.

How’s you trip, getting much work done?

Work has been sufficient, but tomorrow is the focus day where we have a team event.

Tonight I’ve met ex colleagues who are now retired or retiring and we’ve remembered the great stories we had in the past - and had quite a few beers.


Well, at least jt’s only the Beatles CDs that are gone … :rofl:
Can you tell I’m not a Beatles fan? But I’ve always really enjoyed John Lennon.
I hope you eventually find them though. It’s annoying when things just disappear in a move.

Mrs Pete thinks they’re hidden somewhere as there’s lots of boxes still unpacked. Trouble is until we build our new place we probably won’t be unpacking them as we don’t have the room.

PS I’m a big Beatle fan, have since I was 8 years old. They were the soundtrack to the first 15 years of my life.

That does make it even more difficult to find things when you can’t fully unpack.
And I can understand being a full-on Beatles fan. Most people are I find … I’m the odd-ball on that.

No problem we’re all individuals and entitled to our own views even if they’re wrong. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Good evening Pete. Hope the Taylor Swift album is safe.:upside_down_face:


It is as long as I have an internet connection :rofl::rofl::rofl:


At least you guys don’t have to have Kylie Christmas playing on the school run…… every morning :flushed:


Saint Mike from now on……:innocent:


Have you listened to TS new album?

Fraid not Pete. I’m a dinosaur and there’s nothing I can do about it. Same with Adele but I’m a big fan of Sade and she’s quite modern I think.:face_with_monocle:

Ah, once you get a streamer you’ll be able to step out of your comfort zone and experiment.

You’re not missing much re Adele though. :grin:

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I’ve got a meeting with the local cops this afternoon, it’ll be rather strange going to a police station voluntarily for a change. :rofl::rofl:

We’re trying to arrange a bar area at this year local NY fireworks party. The state licensing authority has rejected our application referring to the concerns raised by the cops re anti social behaviour, we’re trying to overturn their decision.

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Aren’t bushfires also a concern?

Normally yes but we’ve had 2 wet and unseasonably mild summers. Volunteer firefighters are always on hand at these kind of events.

The fireworks display is run by professionals as the sale and use is restricted.

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Yeah, I know what ya mean. When I hear a siren it makes my wrists hurt …


A friend thought I was going as a part of my parole requirements.


Just had an email from our electricity retailer bleating on that the 4 generation companies have doubled their profits to $1.5B whilst increasing spot power prices, so said retailer will be increasing our rates by 20%. It’s just a complete rort, almost all the power is from hydro and the lakes are full. We are just another cash cow to these idiots and it pees me rightly off.

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