The Grand Cafe

The last time I was there was for a meeting with Charlie just before lockdown in 2020. We had it in the demonstration room so I didn’t visit the factory area - but yes, I presume protectve gear will be required.

Enjoy the tour @Pete_the_painter and everyone else. Not jealous much…:man_shrugging:t2:

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I’m sure you will have a fabulous time and we’re all very happy for you.

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Well it’s been a Crappy week of failed plans and broken promises, which has left me quite depressed. :disappointed:
I was supposed to go to a listening session at Basically Sound on Thursday night… FAIL!
I am supposed to be at The Tate in London with @Pete_the_painter today… FAIL!
I am supposed to be going to see Iron Maiden in Birmingham on Tuesday… FAIL!
…and all because of a car that seems to fall to bits at the first sign of a Pot Hole, which our roads are liberally strewn with!
My apologies to Pete, Tony @ Basically Sound and Mrs QS.


Pretty sure it was the appalling pot holes that did for my last Mini

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I’ve just left the Tate Modern and now heading towards the Tate.

Life’s full of ups and downs.


Hi @Pete_the_painter

Are you going to the National Portrait Gallery?

Always worth a visit, in my view.

There is a Paul McCartney (Photographs by) exhibition on at the moment.




And not one these was tuned into the cricket. :grin:


My last full day and I’m now looking forward to heading home. I do miss Mrs Pete she’s been my travel buddy and rock for the last 25 years. However I couldn’t leave without thanking the following members.

@Ian2001 @Eoink , the Wednesday at the pub (and dinner later) was a great way to start my stay. You guys rock. Thank you Ian for arranging it I know you traveled a long way to be there and Eoink for a great meal and wine. If you guys ever make it to Aus I’ll make sure you’re never alone.

@Collywobbles and a day at Lords, what more can I say. It was my main reason for coming over in the first place. Colin’s insight and knowledge made it a day I won’t forget (and with what’s unfolded on the last none of us will) I’m glad we had the opportunity to share the experience and hope he enjoyed himself as much as I did. I’m glad he found his phone and hope his wife was understanding.

@Ardbeg10y @anon17748768 @suzywong @By-Tor for joining me on the factory tour, having like minded members just made it that much more enjoyable, even though I may have made different arrangements had I known some of you guys were so damn tall. Also a special mention to Diederik I know you traveled from Holland and I certainly appreciate the effort. As for @Richard.Dane what can I say such a gentleman. I know I pushed and I also know that opening up to a rebel from down under was a risk. I’ll always appreciate the opportunity and trust that you gave me, thank you.

I’ve always been a Naim supporter but now it’s in my blood. Long live prat.

I’d also like to thank Naim for allowing such an open an honest forum and the staff (especially Steve Sells) at HQ for their patience and insight.

Life’s short and I’m fortunate enough to have had this opportunity.

Foot note: I’m not sorry about the cricket in the slightest although Stokes is (as usual) a thorn in our sides. :grin:


Glad you’ve had such an enjoyable time. Truly sorry I couldn’t make it down to visit The Tate with you yesterday, I hope you still managed to get around both galleries.
Safe flight home. :airplane: :+1:t4:

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His Pete it was great to put a face to the name … and if I ever get to do the Ghan, buy myself some RMs and visit the Lamgmeil vineyards …

Oh and some cricket :cricket: :cricket:

My very best wishes and I am truly glad you have had a week to remember




Cheers Pete

Safe journey home to Mrs Pete…

Good to meet you and who knows, we may cross paths in the future … :thinking:

Won’t mention the … :cricket_bat_and_ball:


Great write up……glad it went well……perhaps next time, too many sick elderly parents for me to commit this time. Have a safe trip home👍


Hi Pete,

Sounds like you had a short but great time over here. Glad it all went more or less to plan and that you put a few forum faces together and had a wonderful trip to Salisbury and HQ (so to speak).

Have a safe journey home, and lets hope that your current landscape commission is enjoyed by the client and that your workshop/studio development move ahead on time and within budget.

Look forward to your posts once you’re back in Australia !


Saw a report of a few flying schools going under……you still OK, Don?

Hi Gazza, Yep, so far. But things are still very quiet. Nobody yet seems to be sure why there was a spate of closures a few weeks ago.
The helicopter side of our business is doing slightly better than the fixed wing part. (i’m in the fixed wing part and we have cut back that part of our training ops quite a bit !!). However, we still have strong rotary wing connections with the RN, converting leavers from military helicopters to civilian.
Student numbers fluctuate a bit, but even our fixed-wing numbers are slowly increasing, and i’m pretty sure we’ll manage.
Many thanks for asking.
I presume many other industries are also very quiet.


Good to know👍

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I wouldn’t have recognised the spot without the blue sign telling you its significance.


Glad you’ve had such a great time. Have a safe journey home and enjoy the anniversary celebrations.


Difficult to read at the angles in the photos, but i’m guessing it’s Ziggy Stardust ?

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