The Grand Cafe


Home at last (Sydney anyway).

Well that’s 24 hours I’ll never get back.


I made out the wording, but don’t know the connection to the song or Bowie.

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Photo shoot for the cover of Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust album.


I’ve got a “Naim” tag, only found in my little bag of goods while unpacking.

Think they spelt my name wrong. :grin:


You’ll have to go back and get it fixed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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My guide @Collywobbles pointed this house out near Lords, any guesses to who’s house it is.


Mine :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

No idea !!

How was the flight home Pete ? Worse than going there , I’ve always found long flights back are tougher , why I don’t know

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My guess is Paul McCartney lived there.

Is that the bathroom room window she came in through.

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Could be Mick Jaggers he’s into cricket

I believe he still owns it.

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Did you manage to get the upgrade?

Stormy weather here.

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Are you guys in Aussie getting that weather shift to El-Nino? It’s definitely on the change here, now getting dominant westerlies, so I’m expecting the big equinox winds late September and a long dry summer. Will make for a nice change after a wet 12 months - we have had over 3m of rain with the strong La-Nina and more storms than I can remember.

Had very little rain here Mike over the last 3-4 months

When I go down to the southern highlands it’s really dry and if it keeps up it’s not going to go well with potential bush fires in summer

It was real bad a few years ago wiping out massive areas plus many people lost their houses

Looks as though here we go again

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Bought extra space which made huge difference. However nothing makes a 7 hour flight, 3 hours in the layout over and another 13 hours enjoyable.


Mike we’ve had 2 wet cold (for us anyway) summers and floods. They’re now predicting a dry hot summer.


Mike funny you should mention the weather the start of a current affairs show here warning of dry hot summer starting early spring. There’s huge risks of fire and drought. Apparently there’s a super El Nino that could last years.

Today was the hottest day (average worldwide) on record.


Once you start to turn left or buy extra space it’s difficult to break the habit! But I agree long haul is especially tricky. Isn’t there a fast boat service?