The Grand Cafe

Inappropriate humour.

I wasnā€™t offended

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Weā€™ve been relatively lucky with our building project of the garden house. Weā€™ve received and payed the bill for the technical installation work and it was 8.5 k euros which is a good price for good work. We got all electricity cabling in the garden for that (250metres or so), utp cat 6 cabling everywhere, floor heating for 35sqm, new electricity units in the garden house and in the main house, an upgrade to 3 phase, a perilex cable in the kitchen and much more like wall connections. This was the biggest remaining bill and we basically build further on it from now on. Road is clear for solar panels et cetera.

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My structure alone is going to be around $700ks. :flushed:

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I think Pete has scaled back on the moatā€¦ā€¦.:joy:


Gazza, Iā€™ve turned up the volume of the hifi quite tonight. From organ music to ā€˜gimme shelterā€™ now. Ovators are great speakers.

I want to turnup the volume even more, but am afraid that my wife gets downstairs and ends the party ā€¦

ā€˜You canā€™t always get what you wantā€™

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Mind those BMRā€™sā€¦ā€¦ā€¦no replacements. But yes enjoying them as well tonight.

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I have a dilemma, weā€™ve had a tobacconist open across the road recently. Tobacconists here are under heavy restrictions theyā€™re not allow to display or advertise anything, the shops usually look like a sex shop (or so Iā€™ve been told) with windows wrapped with their logo. Unpleasant looking shops and I assume a hard way to make a living. Iā€™m not anti smoking (ex smoker) although Iā€™m not a fan.

However the shop is not the problem itā€™s the woman who owns it. She spends a large time of her day smoking out the front of the shop flicking her butts into the path or gutter.

Iā€™d like to say something but I donā€™t want her thinking it about the shop or smoking, itā€™s not - itā€™s about litter and pollution.

Should I say something, should I report it and make it someone elseā€™s problem or just ignore it.

Cigarette butts are pretty toxic to most natural things and that includes things living in the ground and water.
I too am an ex smoker, but have always been strongly against the random disposal of cigarette butts. I wouldnā€™t bother saying anything, I would just send it up to someone who can enforce it. People like that donā€™t care and if you take further action after she ignores you then sheā€™ll know itā€™s you and probably become more obnoxious.
Good luck with what ever your decision is mate.

Same issue down south Pete

Bit worse actually / 2 shops just opened for some reason selling ciggies and vaps which are outlawed (vaps)

Canā€™t see in the shops as windows etc blacked out

Locals up in arms and the cops raiding them from time to time - evidently selling ciggies under the counter - they get fined but just keep doing it

Donā€™t get me wrong Iā€™m not against fagging itā€™s just a bad look for a small lovely country town

Eventually they will move on but I blame the Landlords allowing it happen

Personally I would have it out with shop owner if I was you - in a nice way of course

Meant to say some of the ā€œcustomersā€ hang around the shops and flicking their butts so a bad look as your issue is

Wait till there is a no :fire: in place then strikeā€¦ā€¦

I didnā€™t know there were no replacement BMRs - is that for all models?

I think soā€¦ā€¦ā€¦nobody from Naim ever corrected the post and that was for the volume s400ā€¦ā€¦very few 600 or 800,s were ever made. There were certainly no active s600 components when i asked to possibly modify mine.
Perhaps @NeilS can clarify on Ovator driver spares, once and for all?

Ah. Mine is an S600.
I have had fantasies of going active, but I guess that is not an option. Ah well.

So this is really annoying.
I had an eye test recently and my optometrist saw something on the back of my right retina he didnā€™t like.
He said it was a a junction between an artery and vein. It wasnā€™t anywhere visually significant, but he referred me to the Ophthalmologist at the hospital.
He agreed with the optometrist that it was ā€™Plaqueā€™. My joke about seeing the dentist was under appreciated in my opinion.
The ophthalmologist suggested an appointment with my Cardiologist to check cardiac issues werenā€™t flaring.
Now this morning I get a call at 11am to attend a GP appointment to review medicationā€¦:man_shrugging:t2:
Iā€™m already on Warfarin and in the correct anticoagulant range. What more do people want!!:man_facepalming:t2:
So, here I go to an unwanted GP appointment :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


I know that sounded like a petulant rant, but when you actually need an appointment you canā€™t get one for love nor moneyā€¦:man_shrugging:t2:


All comes down starting this Monday morning. Site should be clear and ready in 4-6 weeks. It all gets serious now as Iā€™ve taken on the job a project manager.

Mrs Pete and I have 9,500 bricks to clean in 8 weeks ready for reuse.


Hello Pete,

How do you clean them? A high pressure water system?

Best wishes
